Detox and dependence: A zen approach

Katia Lollai

University of Rome, Italy

: J Regen Med


Alcoholism is the most severe form of alcohol abuse and involves the inability to manage drinking habits. This can have an impact on professional goals, personal matters, relationship and health. Alcohol abuse can affect brain, liver, heart, pancreas and immune system. It can damage mental illness causing irregular heartbeat, liver cirrhosis and increase cancer risk. Acupuncture treatment for addictions has been used in China for a long time. This study, after an excursus about the practice of wine in ancient Greeks and Romans, will discuss the use of auricoloterapy, addominal and traditional acupuncture, moxa, diet, to treat skin flushing, trouble concentrating, raised blood pressure, ansiety, ache in persons with alcohol disorders. The last part of speech will address an issue about other kind of dependence.


Katia Lollai studied acupuncture and phitoteraphy at University of Rome “La Sapienza”, with dr. Aldo Liguori, the fondeur of acupuncture in Italy. Then he studied at many conferences and began the pupil of dr. Mario Sorrentino, teacher in Acupuncture at University of Rome and famous acupuncturist in Italy. The well-known platform on line e-lotus allowed her participation to many webseminars about acupuncture. Some years ago Katia founded the facebook’s group “Secrets of Acupuncture shared in every part of world” to share her knowledges for free with acupuncturistes of any continens and culture. The group, actually, has 600 acupuncturistes enrolled.


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