Journal of Nursing & Patient CareISSN: 2573-4571

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Effect of psychological flexibility and social support on post-traumatic growth of lung cancer patients

Ying Huang and Yumei Li

Shanghai Pulmonary Hospital, China

: J Nurs Patient Care


Aim: The study aims to explore the effects of psychological flexibility and social support on post-traumatic growth of lung cancer patients.

Method: A questionnaire survey was conducted on 228 lung cancer patients using the mental resilience scale, social support scale and post-traumatic growth scale.

Result: The psychological elasticity score of lung cancer patients was 58.02±2.63; the social support score was 42.49±2.61; the post-traumatic growth score was 60.13±3.315. Psychological resilience, social support and post-traumatic growth were positively correlated. The level of education, family income, optimism, objective support and the use of social support are the main influencing factors for post-traumatic growth of lung cancer patients, P<0.05.

Conclusion: The post-traumatic growth of lung cancer patients is at a medium level. Nursing should pay attention to the patient's psychological resilience and social support, and develop targeted interventions to enhancethe patient’s post-traumatic growth level and promote physical and mental health.


Ying Huang has completed her MD from Fudan University. She is a Head Nurse of Lung Oncology Department in Shanghai Pulmonary Hospital in China. She has published more than 5 papers in reputed journals in China and has been serving as Several Committee Members of Nursing in China.


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