Efficacy of tinnitus retraining therapy- A modish management of tinnitus: Our experience

K Vasu Kumar Reddy

Nalanda Medical College and Hospital, India

: J Otol Rhinol


Tinnitus retraining therapy involves masking of tinnitus at sound perception level in combination with structured counseling sessions to assess the efficacy of tinnitus retraining therapy (TRT) in patients of tinnitus with sensorineural hearing loss. Prospective study was carried out on patients who presented with tinnitus in ENT OPD from December 2015 to December 2016. Severity of tinnitus was documented using tinnitus handicap inventory scale. Response to tinnitus was evaluated at the end of three months. In our study, 57 patients in the age group of 21–78 years were selected and tinnitus retraining therapy was administered. Most of the patients had moderate (75.43%) perception of tinnitus before initiation of therapy. After completion of the therapy, the tinnitus completely disappeared in 34(59.65%) patients. Improvement in tinnitus perception was observed in a total of 49(85.96%) patients. There was no improvement in tinnitus perception in 8(14.03%) patients. TRT aims in reducing the tinnitus perception by inducing habituation of tinnitus induced reactions, allowing patients to achieve control over tinnitus to live a normal life and participate in everyday activities.


E-mail: vaasu.aslp@gmail.com

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