Explore nursing students different learning style making efficiency of learning nursing ethics
Hsiao Lu Lee
Yuhing Junior College of Health Care and Management, Taiwan
: J Nurs Patient Care
This study applied the Quasi-experimental research method. This research surveyed a total of 250 Nursing students (NS). The proposed two teaching strategies conducted from 2 to 16 weeks. One is world cafe teaching strategies, another is practicing the four-topic approach to ethical decision making practicing the four-topic approach to ethical decision making. Two questionnaires were adopted in this study. First, assessment learning style (ALS) was conducted which included 12 structural questions; second and third questionnaire is Taiwan’s Moral Sensitivity Questionnaire for Student Nurses (TMMSQ-SN). Then pre-test was conducted in the first week, and the post-test in the 17th week of the semester. The purpose of the study is exploring the relation between nursing students’ learning style with making efficiency of learning nursing ethics. Result showed nursing students had more learning style then the scores of moral sensitivities were significantly improved after the teaching nursing ethics (p=.001). Significant relationships were observed between using multiple teaching strategies, with nursing students’ learning style (r=.352, p=.01) and moral sensitivity (r=.329, p=.01).
Hsiao Lu Lee has her expertise in teaching Nursing Ethics and passion in improving the nursing students’ morals. She has completed her Master of Philosophy and Doctorate in Nursing. She has more experience in research, evaluation, teaching and administration both in hospital and education institutions from 2005.