Holistic fitness saves the human specie in a robotic era

Julie Rammal

Geroge Washington University, USA

: J Regen Med


The body is another living organism and it should not be abused, but rather honoured. In today’s era the body, mind, and spirit have lost connection, and are constantly bombarded by external threats. As a result, we see a society that is unhappy, disconnected, sick, and our mental, emotional and physical states are worsening. The human being has forgotten the primitive ways of live, sleep, eat, heal, emotions and a result with the boom in the technological era and external bombardements we are begining to see the death of the human being specie. The holistic movement helps human beings adapt to a new era where humans are being human robots. She states that, “Your body is an empire, and when you are connected to you, you can achieve miracles. It speaks a language that we are failing to listen to. Holistic fitness is the future of movement and medicine, and is the only training metholody that will keep human beings stay connected to themselves in an era where we are evolving to become robotic. The power of the movement trains the body, mind, and spirit and speaks a language that all 3 elements understand and react to.


E-mail: julierammal@yahoo.com

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