Journal of Addictive Behaviors,Therapy & RehabilitationISSN: 2324-9005

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Meeting our relational needs - Building a new life after Addiction

Rukhsana Khan

Metanoia Institute, UK

: J Addict Behav Ther Rehabil


Addiction is often a substitute for healthy attachments, and prevents the addict from getting their needs met in a healthy way. Eric Berne wrote of our innate hunger for attachment (recognition hunger) and for stimulus. These hungers can be seen even in newborn babies. Healthy neurological development depends on both attachment and stimulus. Throughout life, we continue to grow and mature through meeting these psychological needs. The focus of this presentation is, how difficulties in relational needs may contribute to addiction, and how addiction perpetuates those difficulties. The profound lifestyle changes that are part of successful recovery from addiction will also be discussed. Theories from transactional analysis including psychological hungers, relational needs and contaminations and discounting shall also be discussed.


Rukhsana Khan has achieved a four year Diploma in Transactional Analysis Psychotherapy in June 2015 from Manchester Institute for Psychotherapy, UK. In addition, she has achieved a BA in Psychology and Economics from Pakistan. Her second degree was a BSc (Hons) in Psychological Studies from the University of Huddersfield, UK. She also holds a Post Graduate Certificate in Education (PGCE) from the University of Bolton, UK. Her success is based on her passion and diligence in building her career as a Lecturer in Psychology, a Counsellor and a Psychotherapist. She is currently undergoing preparations for pursuing Professional Doctorate Programme in Psychotherapy, from Metanoia Institute, London.

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