Study-design to investigate the effect of a 10-week yoga course with the focus on “Yamas and Niyamas” on stress response and cool down reactions in health professionals and teachers

Yvonne Beerenbrock, Carolin Klisch and Arndt Bussing

Herdecke University, Germany

: J Regen Med


Background: The current work situation in health care facilities and schools lead to increased stress perception and strategic cool-down reactions (i.e., emotional distancing). Hence, teacher-student and doctor-patient relationships worsen with all economic effects (delayed patient recovery, poor schooling). Meditation and yoga interventions were reported as beneficial strategies to cope. Therefore, we designed a study to assess the influence of yamas and niyamas (as ethical guidelines of yoga) within the framework of a yoga practice for healthcare staff and teachers. There are no publications on this subject so far. Research Questions: Does Yoga with focus on yamas and niyamas have an impact on cooldown and stress? Does the impact of yoga with the focus on yamas and niyamas have a better impact on cooldown and stress reactions than standard yoga classes?

Methods: Three-armed randomized controlled study: yoga practice focusing on yamas / niyamas yoga practice according to regulations of SHI waiting list 150 participants will be recruited and assessed at 4 time points (pre, during and post intervention as well as 6/12 months later on) with standardized questionnaires. The intervention lasts 10 weeks with 45 minutes of sessions per week, including a handout for home exercise.

Results: Presentation of a study design. No results available.

Conclusions: We expect 1) that Yoga with focus on yamas and niyamas has an impact on Cool Down and stress perception which is better compared to standard yoga, and 2) that both yoga interventions have better effects than wait list control.


Yvonne Beerenbrock works as a research assistant and doctoral student at the Chair of Quality of Life, Spirituality and Coping at the University of Witten-Herdecke (Medical Faculty, Chair of Medical Theory, Integrative and Anthroposophical Medicine). She is a health educator, health economist and earned MA from University of Kaiserslautern. She also is a molecular biologist and studied BSc from University of Applied Sciences Gelsenkirchen/ CUNY - Central University of New York. She is a non-medical practitioner, qualified nurse for intensive medicine and anaesthesia, yoga teacher with more than 2000 hours of basic and advanced trainings. She learns yoga philosophy from Dr. Katy Poole (University of California).


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