Transcultural nursing in todays global environment
Mary Brigid Martin and Dr Marilyn Ray
Keiser University, USA
Florida Atlantic University, USA
: J Nurs Patient Care
The call for professional nursing to address the human condition has existed for more than two centuries. Transcultural nurses have concentrated on this call since the inception of the discipline of transcultural nursing over 40 years ago. Advances in science, technology, and social media are impacting individuals and society. The fallout of international conflicts within geopolitical communities, increasing migration, and global socio-political and socio-economic dynamics is presented in clinical and community care. Such concerns challenge nurse educators on how best to prepare future Nurses to function effectively in today’s health care environment. These life world phenomena pose opportunities in nursing education to examine or develop new paradigms. A re-examination of Leininger's paradigm of Culture Care Diversity and Universality: A Worldwide Theory of Nursing is in order. Leininger's world view, not only addresses patient-centered culturally congruent care, but also the interface of cultural and social structural dimensions, namely cultural values, beliefs and lifeways, kinship and social factors, religious and philosophical, educational, economic, environmental, technological, political and legal factors within environmental, linguistic and ethnohistorical contexts. The purpose of this presentation is to discuss how transcultural nursing education is inherent in understanding global health, discuss the significance of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals in transcultural nursing, and re-examine the local and global cultural and social structural dimensions of Leininger’s Sunrise Enabler.
Mary Brigid Martin PhD, ARNP, CTN-A, holds a PhD from the Christine E. Lynn College of Nursing in Boca Raton, Florida. She is certified in Transcultural Nursing by the Transcultural Nursing Society and in Nursing Professional Development by the American Credentialing Center. Her experience includes acute patient care, teaching, and nursing staff development/clinical education leadership in the US and the Middle East. She also holds registration as a Family Nurse Practitioner/ Advanced Registered Practice Nurse by which she offers volunteer primary care services at a local clinic. Scholarly interests include health disparity, global health, and the influences of socio-cultural and socio-political dynamics on health. Her doctoral research explored anti-Muslim discrimination in health care in the U.S.; she has several publications related to transcultural nursing. Mary is currently a faculty member of Keiser University's Graduate Nursing Program in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, USA
Marilyn Anne Ray, RN, BSN, MSN, MA, PhD, CTN-A, FSfAA, FAAN, FESPCH is Professor Emeritus at Florida Atlantic University, Christine E. Lynn College of Nursing, Boca Raton, Florida. She holds Bachelor and Master of Science degrees in Nursing from the University of Colorado, Denver, Colorado; Master of Arts in Anthropology from McMaster University, Canada; Doctor of Philosophy in Transcultural Nursing from the University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah. Ray has held faculty positions at the University of San Francisco, University of California San Francisco, McMaster University, the University of Colorado, and the Eminent Scholar position at Florida Atlantic University. Her focus is caring science advancing the Theory of Bureaucratic Caring and Transcultural Caring Dynamics in Nursing and Healthcare.