Clinical Oncology: Case Reports

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Colorectal Carcinoma: Review and Novelties in 2023

Colorectal Carcinoma (CRC) is a highly prevalent malignant neoplasm derived from the colon or rectum, representing a significant global public health issue with high morbidity and mortality rates. Despite advancements in early detection and treatment, the incidence and mortality rates of CRC remain alarmingly high. This review provides a detailed analysis of the latest trends, statistics, and updates on the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of CRC, with a focus on cutting-edge scientific developments and breakthroughs occurring in 2023. We discuss innovative screening techniques, biomarkers, and targeted therapies, as well as the importance of early intervention through routine screening and lifestyle adjustments in reducing CRC incidence. Additionally, we highlight ongoing clinical trials investigating novel treatment and preventive strategies that offer great potential for improving CRC management and outcomes in the future. This review serves as an invaluable resource for healthcare professionals and researchers interested in remaining up to date on the current state of research and advancements in the field of CRC.

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