Journal of Athletic EnhancementISSN: 2324-9080

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Competition Calendar and Strength - Aerobic Training Sessions Interaction: The Brainteaser of Coach to Manage Training Schedule in Elite Team Sport Athletes

Competition Calendar and Strength - Aerobic Training Sessions Interaction: The Brainteaser of Coach to Manage Training Schedule in Elite Team Sport Athletes

Training load (TL) is accurately prescribed to induce sportspecific adaptations for optimizing performance. TL model related performance at a specific time to the initial performance level and the superimposition of residual training effects. However, in team sport, the calendar of competitions imposed multi peak performances during the season. Additionally, physiological and model responses did not increase linearly with training load. If TL model was used to evaluate the effects of training strategies, in order to provide sufficient training stimuli to help highly qualified team sport athletes to progress and predict the physical performance, we argued that the respective time course of the physiological responses must be considered in elite team sport players when discussing performance changes that occur with training session interaction.

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