Clinical Oncology: Case Reports

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Gastric Adenocarcinoma Management: A Perspective

Gastric Adeno Carcinoma (GAC) remains a formidable global health challenge, marked by its geographical variability and the pressing need for improved therapeutic strategies. This opinion piece aims to delve into recent strides made in GAC management, with a specific focus on the localized and metastatic settings. We explore the details of adjunctive therapy for localized GAC and discuss the promising developments, including immune checkpoint inhibitors, for Microsatellite Instability High (MSI-H) GAC. In the metastatic arena, we survey the evolving realm of targeted therapies and immune checkpoint inhibitors, highlighting the recent approval of trastuzumab deruxtecan for HER-2-positive GAC. We also contemplate the prospects of claudin 18.2 (CLDN18.2) and Fibroblast Growth Factor Receptor (FGFR) as novel therapeutic targets in GAC.

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