Journal of Nursing & Patient CareISSN: 2573-4571

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Sudden deafness high occurrence season

Sudden deafness is one of the common emergencies in the ENT department. Research Findings that the main cause of sudden deafness may be tissue ischemia or viral infection. Whether it is related to the climate temperature change is a frequent question from patients clinically. However, according to the statistics of sudden deafness, it is still unclear about the high occurrence season. Therefore, this article will use the date of falling ill of sudden deafness as a disease related statistics. We retrospectively collected the medical treatment data of the patients who are the first time suffering from sudden deafness. The date is from November 1, 2017 to November 30, 2019 of Chang Bing Show Chwan Memorial Hospital in Taiwan. To use the four seasons as the category, dividing the seasons into spring(March-May),summer(June-August), autumn(September-November), and winter(December-February) by the standard of the northern hemisphere astronomical season. Dividing the 160 first time patients by seasons, there were 34 in spring, accounting for 21.3% of all; 33 in summer, accounting for 20.6%; 50 in autumn, accounting for 31.3%; 43 in winter, accounting for 26.9%. Our data shows the autumn has the highest occurrence rate of the first time patients of sudden deafness, followed by winter, and the lowest is summer. It is known the temperature begins significantly dropping in the autumn, and the physiological changes of the body caused the vasoconstriction, which was likely to cause ischemia or insufficient oxygen supplying of some tissues, and then caused the diseases.


Szu-Chieh Chen graduated from Chang Gung University of Science and Technology (CGUST) with a Bachelor of Nursing. She has had the experience in nurse field for 13 years, once served in emergency department for five years. Participated and got the third place in 2019 Oral Paper Presentation Competition of ASSOCIATION OF HYPERBARIC AND UNDERSEA MEDICINE, R.O.C. Additionally, participated in 27th international HPH conference paper poster display, and 12th international nursing conference paper poster display. She currently serves at Department of hyperbaric oxygen center of Chang Bing Show Chwan Memorial Hospital.

54th World Congress on Nursing and Health Care, May 13-14, 2020.

Abstract Citation:

Chi-wen, Huang, Show Chwan Memorial Hospital, Taiwan, World Nursing Congress 2020, 54th World Congress on Nursing and Health Care, May 13-14, 2020


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