Clinical Oncology: Case Reports

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Supernumerary nipples under androgen deprivation treatment in patient with prostate cancer

Supernumerary nipple, also known as polythelia, is usually a benign congenital developmental abnormality often diagnosed in paediatric patients. We describe a 61-year-old male with prostate cancer, re-ceived prostatectomy, salvage radiotherapy in combination with andro-gen deprivation treatment by triptorelin injection. After three months of androgen deprivation treatment, three supernumerary nipples ap-peared on both side of the body. Two of the three lesions remained stable after six months. Polythelia often remains asymptomatic and become more obvious in periods when patients undergo signi icant hormonal alterations such as during pregnancy or puberty. Hormono-therapy in prostate cancer might have caused the development of supernu-merary nipples in our patient who probably had a pre-existing under-lying polythelia.

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