Journal of Nanomaterials & Molecular NanotechnologyISSN: 2324-8777

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Sharvari Desai Author


Editorial Open Access

Emerging of Another Manmade Pollution: Nanopollution


Sharvari Desai

 The whole world is working on having a cleaner environment is important to have a better and sustainable future. There are  Many emerging technologies with an innovative solution out there in the world that are currently working on removing toxic elements from the surrounded air.  The interesting fact among them would be how amazing nanotechnology can play its role. the smallest technology has a greater impact on the environment but as they say, nothing is simple as it is seen! Nanotechnology has given us bright hope for a fresh environment but in this whole process we didn’t take this point into consolidation what about the waste produced while  producing or using nanotechnology or nanoproducts     

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