Zafar Iqbal Author
Subjects of specialization
Food Science and Technology, Food Chemistry, Food Analysis, Environmental Analytical Chemistry, Coating, Food Chemistry, Food Analysis, Environmental Analytical Chemistry, Coating
Department of Chemistry, Carleton University, Canada
Current projects: -CE-UV characterization of nanomaterials in waters. -Analysis of natural sweeteners by capillary electrophoresis. -Removal of EDCs and PPCPs from environmental waters and foods by polymer-coated magnetic and non-magnetic nanoparticles. Research interests: -Antimicrobial food packaging development. -Development of antimicrobial against Escherichia coli. -Food Security and Safety.
Research Article Subscription
Author(s): Zafar Iqbal and Edward PC Lai
Investigation of Polydopamine Growth on Nanomaterials in Water
Capillary electrophoresis (CE) is a highly efficient separation technique useful for the analysis of nanomaterials in water. One limitation is the low sensitivity of detectors available for their quantification when mass spectrometry is not suitable. A new method based on polydopamine (PDA) growth was developed in our lab towards trace analysis of nanomaterials in aqueous suspension, using... view moreĀ»