Journal of Womens Health, Issues and CareISSN: 2325-9795

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Articles published in Journal of Womens Health, Issues and Care have been cited by esteemed scholars and scientists all around the world. Journal of Womens Health, Issues and Care has got h-index 15, which means every article in Journal of Womens Health, Issues and Care has got 15 average citations.

Following are the list of articles that have cited the articles published in Journal of Womens Health, Issues and Care.

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60 56 44 61 30 19 31 42 0

Research, Review articles and Editorials

3 9 12 15 19 0 0 0 0

Research communications, Review communications, Editorial communications, Case reports and Commentary

26 47 31 17 10 0 0 0 0

Conference proceedings

26 7 31 0 0 34 34 0 0

Citations received as per Google Scholar, other indexing platforms and portals

3 12 9 13 11 134 126 66 121
Journal total citations count 1315
Journal Impact Factor 3.07
Journal 5 years Impact Factor 4026
Journal CiteScore 4.31
Journal h-index 15
Journal h-index since 2017 13
Effects of Endocrine-Disrupting Chemicals on Endometrial Receptivity and Embryo Implantation: A Systematic Review of 34 Mouse Model Studies
The effect of counseling based on acceptance and commitment therapy on mental health and quality of life among infertile couples: A randomized controlled trial
Transforming growth factor beta 1 (TGF?1) polymorphisms and unexplained infertility: A genetic association study
The Fertility Outcome of Royal Jelly versus Intra Uterine Insemination: A Pilot Randomized Controlled Trial Study
The Prevalence of Serum and Seminal Fluid Antisperm Antibody in Couples with Unexplained Subfertility in Kirkuk City
The effect of acceptance and commitment-based counseling on the mental health and quality of life of infertile couples: a randomized controlled clinical trial
The effect of N-acetylcysteine ??supplementation on sperm quality parameters and biochemical markers in infertile individuals: A systematic review of clinical trial studies
Comparison of the effect of oral capsules of carob (Ceratonia siliqua) and vitamin E on semen parameters in infertile men without cause: a three-blind randomized controlled clinical trial
The effect of some hormones related to polycystic ovary syndrome on health-related quality of life
Lelki eredetû meddôség – létezik ilyen?
Comparison of serum selenium levels and glutathione peroxidase activity in healthy fertile women with infertile women with premature idiopathic ovarian insufficiency: a case-control study
The effect of sex education on the genital self-image of infertile women
Study and comparison of gender percentage of boys and girls born following IVF, IUI and ICSI assisted reproductive methods in Al-Zahra Hospital in Tabriz from 2007 to 2016
Factors associated with unintended pregnancy in Yamagata, Japan
Addressing inequality in fertility treatment
Effect of Application of Health Promotion Model on Lifestyle of Women with Endometriosis
Immediate postpartum intrauterine contraceptive device utilization and influencing factors in Addis Ababa public hospitals: a cross-sectional study
Contextual Factors Associated with Pregnancy Termination among Young Women in Nigeria
Postpartum depression in India: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Postnatal depression among rural women in South India: do socio-demographic, obstetric and pregnancy outcome have a role to play?
Satisfaction with childbirth services provided in public health facilities: results from a cross- sectional survey among postnatal women in Chhattisgarh, India
Validating the Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale as a screening tool for postpartum depression in Kathmandu, Nepal
Postnatal Quality of Life, Depressive Symptoms, and Social Support Among Women in Southern India
Prevalence and risk factors of postpartum depression within one year after birth in urban slums of Dhaka, Bangladesh
Postnatal depression among women availing maternal health services in a rural hospital in South India
Fear of childbirth and depressive symptoms among postnatal women: A cross-sectional survey from Chhattisgarh, India
Depressão entre puérperas: prevalência e fatores associados
Prevalence and associated factors of domestic violence among pregnant women attending routine antenatal care in Nepal
Factors affecting the occurrence of postpartum depression among puerperal women in Sohag city, Egypt
Postnatal depression and its association with adverse infant health outcomes in low- and middle-income countries: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Postpartum Depression in Indonesian Mothers: Its Changes and Predicting Factors
Postpartum depression: prevalence and associated factors
Prevalence and Associated risk Factors of Postnatal Depression in South Asian region-A Systematic review
Postpartum depression and associated factors among postpartum women in Ethiopia: a systematic review and meta-analysis, 2020
Association between unintended births and risk of postpartum depression: Evidence from Ethiopia, India, Peru and Vietnam
Mental health across the lifespan: A handbook
Postpartum depression: early detection and associated factors Depressão pós-parto: deteção precoce e fatores associados
Prevalence and associated factors of postpartum depression among postpartum mothers in central region, Eritrea: a health facility based survey
Impact of Depressive Symptoms on Mother Infant Attachment among Mothers of Preterm Neonates
Evaluation of the psychometric properties of Hindi-translated Scale for Measuring Maternal Satisfaction among postnatal women in Chhattisgarh, India
Maternal anthropometric determinants as risk markers of suicidality and severity of illness in women with postnatal depression
Maternal risk markers of postnatal depression
The effect of progressive muscle relaxation on the postpartum depression risk and general comfort levels in primiparas
Associated factors with clinically significant depressive symptoms in postpartum adolescents in Cartagena (Colombia)
Postpartum depression: Risk factors and their management
Postpartum depression and its predicting factors at one month after birth in Indonesian women
An Estimation of the Association of Postpartum Depression with Mizaj (Temperament) in Postnatal Women: A Cross-sectional Study
Prevalence and Associated Risk Factors for Postnatal Depression among the Postnatal Mothers
The Need for Universal Screening for Postnatal Depression in South Africa: Confirmation from a Sub-District in Pretoria, South Africa
Reduced Maternal Serum Total, Free and Bioavailable Vitamin D Levels and its Association with the Risk for Postpartum Depressive Symptoms
Determinants of Postnatal Depression among Mothers in a Rural Setting in Shimoga District, Karnataka-A Cross-Sectional Descriptive Study
Post Partum Depression among Women Attending Maternal and Child Health Clinic in Selected Hospitals of Nepal
Knowledge and attitudes of family members towards postpartum depression
The relationship of social support with awareness and attitude towards their health and prevention in an open population among women aged 25-64 years in Russia / Siberia: epidemiological study "MONICA-psychosocial"
Associated factors with clinically significant depressive symptoms in postpartum adolescents in Cartagena
Assessment of postnatal depression and some associated risk factors among mothers attending the immunisation outpatient department in a tertiary health care centre: a cross sectional study
Predicting Factors of Maternal Depression During the First Three Months After Delivery Among LowIncome Family in Indonesia
Associated factors of postpartum depression in women attending a hospital in Pokhara metropolitan, Nepal
‘Two Sides of a Coin’: Quality of Childbirth Services in Indian Public Health Facilities, from the Perspectives of Women and their Care Providers
Prevalence of Postnatal Depression and Its Risk Factors among Postnatal Women in Rural Area of Srikakulam District
Journey through Motherhood: A Roller Coaster Experience
Validation of Edinburgh post natal depression scale in post-natal woman from a tertiary referral center in South India
Prevalence and determinants of postnatal depression in a tertiary care teaching institute in Kerala, India
Prevalence and risk factors of postpartum depression in women–a cross-sectional study
Role of faith on self-esteem of young Christian women involved in multiple roles
The Rate and Risk Factors of Postpartum Depression in Vietnam From 2010 to 2020: A Literature Review
A Cross-Sectional Study on Prevalence of Post-Natal Depression and its Associates among Women in a Rural Community in Hooghly District, West Bengal
Prevalence and correlates of suicidal behavior among postpartum women attending a maternity Hospital in Lagos, Nigeria
Postpartum depression and its accomplices in Peshawar; a metropolitan city of Pakistan
Associated risk factors of postnatal depression in South Asian region - a narrative review
Perinatal Depression: Epidemiology and Associated Adverse Birth and Infant Health Outcomes in Ethiopia: A Mixed Method study
Delivery service satisfaction and associated factors among mothers who gave birth at West Shewa Zone public hospitals, Ethiopia
Predicting Postnatal Psychological Distress in a Zambian Cohort: Relationship between the EPDS and the GHQ-12
Impact of pregnancy outcomes on postpartum depression among women attending primary health-care centers in Al-Madina Al-Munawarah, Saudi Arabia
Prevalence of Postpartum Depression among the Mothers Visiting a Teaching Hospital Near Chennai
The role of intimate partner violence victimization during pregnancy on maternal postpartum depression in Eastern Ethiopia
Prevalencia de depresión postparto en pacientes del Hospital de la Mujer de Aguascalientes
Satisfaction of women attended by the physiotherapy service during labor
The relationship of husband's social support with the incidence of postpartum blues at reproductive age
Characterization of social support during postpartum and the presence of maternal depression
Do highly physically active workers die early? A systematic review with meta-analysis of data from 193 696 participants
Association of Team Sports Participation With Long-term Mental Health Outcomes Among Individuals Exposed to Adverse Childhood Experiences
Physical activity and sedentary behavior in preschoolers: a longitudinal assessment of trajectories and determinants
Sweat So You Don’t Forget: Exercise Breaks During a University Lecture Increase On-Task Attention and Learning
Correlates of physical activity and sedentary behaviour in the Thai population: a systematic review
The Impact of the COVID-19 Confinement on the Habits of PA Practice According to Gender (Male/Female): Spanish Case
Cardiorespiratory Fitness and the Risk of First Acute Myocardial Infarction: The HUNT Study
A population-based study of the associations between neighbourhood walkability and different types of physical activity in Canadian men and women
Physical activity and common tasks of California farm workers: California Heat Illness Prevention Study (CHIPS)
Heritability and Sex-Specific Genetic Effects of Self-Reported Physical Activity in a Brazilian Highly Admixed Population
The Influence of Motor Competence on Adolescent Identity Health: A Mixed Method Study
Review of the literature examining the association between physical activity and retinopathy
Factors Contributing to Australian Adolescents’ Self-Report of Their Motor Skill Competence
Leisure-Time Physical Activity Participation Trends 2014–2018: A Cross-Sectional Study in Poland
Differences among Saudi and Expatriate Students: Body Composition Indices, Sitting Time Associated with Media Use and Physical Activity Pattern
Association of Sex or Race With the Effect of Weight Loss on Physical Function: A Secondary Analysis of 8 Randomized Clinical Trials

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