Journal of Womens Health, Issues and CareISSN: 2325-9795

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Citiation Womens health issues care

Articles published in Journal of Womens Health, Issues and Care have been cited by esteemed scholars and scientists all around the world. Journal of Womens Health, Issues and Care has got h-index 15, which means every article in Journal of Womens Health, Issues and Care has got 15 average citations.

Following are the list of articles that have cited the articles published in Journal of Womens Health, Issues and Care.

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60 56 44 61 30 19 31 42 0

Research, Review articles and Editorials

3 9 12 15 19 0 0 0 0

Research communications, Review communications, Editorial communications, Case reports and Commentary

26 47 31 17 10 0 0 0 0

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26 7 31 0 0 34 34 0 0

Citations received as per Google Scholar, other indexing platforms and portals

3 12 9 13 11 134 126 66 121
Journal total citations count 1315
Journal Impact Factor 3.07
Journal 5 years Impact Factor 4026
Journal CiteScore 4.31
Journal h-index 15
Journal h-index since 2017 13
Acceptability of Human Papillomavirus Self-Sampling Among a National Sample of Women in the United States
Cervical Cancer Screening Postpandemic: Self-Sampling Opportunities to Accelerate the Elimination of Cervical Cancer
Co-designing Sex Toys for Adults with Motor Disabilities
Challenges, Coping Strategies, and Social Support among Breast Cancer Patients in Ghana
"I did not know it was a medical condition": Predictors, severity and help seeking behaviors of women with female sexual dysfunction in the Volta region of Ghana
Survival Analysis of Cancer Patients at Teaching Hospitals in Ethiopia
Prevalence and Associated Factors of Female Sexual Dysfunction Among Sexually Active Students of the University of Buea
Surrogate mother – praiseworthy or stigmatized: a qualitative study on perceptions of surrogacy in Assam, India
Sociodemographic characteristics of 96 Indian surrogates: Are they disadvantaged compared with the general population?
Le recours transnational à la reproduction assistée avec don.Perspective franco-québécoise et comparaison internationale.
Characteristics of Surrogacy Procedure in the View of Surrogates, Infertile Couples, Doctors and Society
Analyse juridique et sociologique de l’état des questionsen France à la lumière des pratiques étrangères enmatière de filiation des enfants conçus par gestation pourautrui à l’étranger (Grande-Bretagne, Belgique, Israël)
Kishwar Desai's Simran Singh series: Crime, detection, and gender
The social paradoxes of commercial surrogacy in developing countries: India before the new law of 2018
Challenges of transnational parenthood: Exploring different perspectives of surrogacy in Sweden and India
Impact of Bioethics Education in Decision Making on Commercial Surrogacy: A Study with Medical Graduates
The Downfall of Commercial Surrogacy in Mumbai: Disparities in Wealth and Education, and the Persistence of Traditional Gender Roles
Envisioning relational reproductive justice in surrogacy: Recognising the invisible experiences of intended parents
Quand la performance du corps reproducteur devient un travail
Urban-Rural Variation of Early Marriage among Married Women in Babile Town and Its Environs, Oromiya National Regional State, Ethiopia
Evaluation of Effective Microbes (EM) Treatment on Chemical Composition of Crop Residues and Performance of Crossbred Dairy Cows
Spatiotemporal Variation of Early Marriage in Babile Woreda, Eastern Hararghe Zone, Oromiya National Regional State, Ethiopia
Down syndrome: Overview of prenatal screening
Chromosomal mosaicism detected by karyotyping and chromosomal microarray analysis in prenatal diagnosis
A novel use for Levey-Jennings charts in prenatal molecular diagnosis
Comparison and frequency of cell cultured in 48-h and 72-h mitotically treated with phytohemagglutinin-M: Both promise for normal and cancer cells
Identification of an SRY-Negative 46, XX Infertility Male with a Heterozygous Deletion Downstream of SOX3 Gene
Laboratory issues related to maternal serum screening for Down syndrome
Marital violence and its implications to the mother–child binomial: the female speech
Intimate Partner Violence and Infertility Among Currently Married Women in Nigeria
Health service needs and perspectives of remote forest communities in Papua New Guinea: study protocol for combined clinical and rapid anthropological assessments with parallel treatment of urgent cases
Awareness of cervical cancer among women attending an HIV treatment centre: a cross-sectional study from Morocco
Knowledge gaps of STIs in Africa; Systematic review
Cervical cancer screening practices, knowledge of screening and risk, and highly active antiretroviral therapy adherence among women living with human immunodeficiency virus in Lima, Peru
Knowledge and Attitude towards HPV, PAP Testing and HPV Vaccination among Women with HIV
Cervical cancer screening practices, knowledge of screening and risk, and HAART adherence among women living with HIV in Lima, Peru
Knowledge of Cervical Cancer Prevention Among Women in Amazonian Peru
Effects of Cardiovascular Health Factors and Personal Listening Behaviors on Hearing Sensitivity in College-Aged students
Sexual violence as a predictor of unintended pregnancy among married young women: evidence from the 2016 Nepal demographic and health survey
Policy Framework for Education Development in Nepal
Unintended Pregnancy and Associated Factors among Pregnant Women Attending Antenatal Care at Bako Tibe District Public Health Facility, Oromia Region, Ethiopia
Magnitude and Predictors of Unplanned Pregnancy among Married Women in Rwanda
The pentalogy of Cantrell: A case report
Prevalence of Violence Against Women in Ethiopia: A Meta-Analysis
Young People Playing Into Change in Agricultural Colleges in Rural Ethiopia to Address Sexual and Gender-Based Violence
Registration of Urjii, Field Pea Variety for Bale Highlands, Ethiopia
The Effect of Sexual Violence on Class Performance among Female Students ofMizan-Tepi University, South West Ethiopia
Prevalence of Sexual Violence and its Characteristics among Female Students in AmanHigh School, Bench Maji Zone, South West Ethiopia –A Descriptive Cross Sectional Study, 2017
Sexual Coercion and Associated Factors among Female Private University Students in Bishoftu Town, East Shewa Ethiopia
Sexual violence and associated factors among female night college students after joining the college in Debre Markos town, North West Ethiopia, 2019
Predictors of sexual violence among female students in higher education institutions in Ethiopia: A systematic review and meta-analysis
Sexual Assault in Ethiopian Contexts: Data From a Large Sample of Women and Girls Presenting at Two Hospital-Based, Limited-Resource Sexual Assault Treatment Clinics
Sexual Violence Against Female Students in Ethiopia: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
Assessment of Magnitude of Consistent Condom Use and Associated Factors Among Police Force at Riot Control, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia: A Cross-Sectional Study
Young People Playing Into Change in Agricultural Colleges in Rural Ethiopia to Address Sexual and Gender-Based Violence
4 Storylines
A Critical Policy Analysis of Ireland's Child Protection Procedures for Schools: Emerging Policy Considerations
Prevalence of Modern Contraceptive Use and Associated Factors among Married Women at Quante Town, Gurage Zone Ethiopia, 2019
Women’s Autonomy Decision Making Power on Postpartum Modern Contraceptive Use and Associated Factors in North West Ethiopia
Factors influencing maternal health care services utilization by women in Awash Fentale woreda, Ethiopia
The Qigong and Quality of life Trial: Implications for Women in Cancer Survivorship Phase
Effects of Qigong on symptom cluster of dyspnoea, fatigue, and anxiety in Vietnamese lung cancer patients : a randomised controlled trial
The Effectiveness of Qigong in Managing a Cluster of Symptoms (Breathlessness-Fatigue-Anxiety) in Patients with Lung Cancer: A Randomized Controlled Trial
Physiological Bond between Mother and Unborn Baby
Knowledge of Emergency Contraception among College Students in Zanjan, Iran
A nurse-delivered, clinic-based intervention to address intimate partner violence among low-income women in Mexico City: findings from a cluster randomized controlled trial
Intimate Partner Violence Screening and Counseling: An Introductory Session for Health Care Professionals
How accurate and effective are screening tools and subsequent interventions for intimate partner violence in non-high-risk settings (IPV)? A rapid review
Sarcoma survivors’ perspectives on their body image and functional quality of life post-resection/limb salvage surgery
New challenges in psycho?oncology: An embodied approach to body image
Effect of lymphedema self-management group-based education compared with social network-based education on quality of life and fear of cancer recurrence in women with breast cancer: a randomized controlled clinical trial
Effect of lymphedema self-management group-based education compared with social network-based education on quality of life and fear of cancer recurrence in women with breast cancer: a randomized controlled clinical trial
A Randomized Clinical Trial Comparing the Impact of a Web-Based Multimedia Intervention Versus an Educational Pamphlet on Patient Outcomes in Breast Cancer Survivors with Chronic Secondary Lymphedema
Obraz cia?a a samoocena kobiet z rakiem piersi – rola akceptacji cia?a
Physiological Bond between Mother and Unborn Baby
Body image and self-esteem in women with breast cancer – the role of body acceptance
Effects of a Roy’s Adaptation Model–Guided Support Group Intervention on Sexual Adjustment, Body Image, and Perceived Social Support in Women With Breast Cancer
Physiological Bond between Mother and Unborn Baby
Prevalence of Maternal Obesity and Nutritional Status among Pregnant Women in UK
Women’s experiences of a diagnosis of gestational diabetes mellitus: a systematic review
Exploring the effectiveness of physical activity interventions in women with previous gestational diabetes: A systematic review of quantitative and qualitative studies
Understanding the Experiences of East African Immigrant Women With Gestational Diabetes Mellitus
Postpartum glucose tolerance test application rates and non-application causes in gestational diabetes mellitus cases
A Randomized Controlled Trial on the Effectiveness of Short Message Service (SMS) Reminders in Improving Postpartum Follow-up among Gestational Diabetes Mellitus Patients
East African Immigrant Women with Gestational Diabetes Mellitus: A Mixed-methods Evaluation of the Care Experience in a Vulnerable Population
Oral glucose tolerance test in pregnant women and factors affecting their decisions
Explanation the Experiences of Obstetric Wards Personnel about the Factors Affecting Self-care in Mothers with Gestational Diabetes: A Qualitative Study
Prevalence of Maternal Obesity and Nutritional Status among Pregnant Women in UK
The clitoral activation paradox — Claimed outcomes from different methods of its stimulation
Klini?ka hipnoza i ženska seksualna disfunkcija: prikaz slu?aja
Female Orgasm
The overlooked reproductive function of the human clitoris-News media responses to the published review
Il piacere al femminile : miti e realtà della funzione orgasmica nella donna
Clinical hypnosis and female sexual dysfunction: a case report
Maternal health care service seeking behaviors and associated factors among women in rural Haramaya District, Eastern Ethiopia: a triangulated community-based cross-sectional study
Applicability of the WHO maternal near miss tool in sub-Saharan Africa: a systematic review

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