26th World Nursing Education Conference August 31- 02 September, 2017 | Prague, Czech Republic Posters & Accepted Abstracts J Nurs Patient Care Are (bio) physical knowledge necessary for nurses? (Selected results of written test) Zuzana Balazsiova PDF | HTML J Nurs Patient Care A study on the relationship between warfarin related knowledge, medication adherence, and sick role behavior of cardiac valve surgery patients Jung Sun Lee PDF | HTML J Nurs Patient Care Avoiding the mishaps in healthcare provision Geneva M Edwards PDF | HTML J Nurs Patient Care Barriers to management of chronic diseases: review Nurten Ozen PDF | HTML J Nurs Patient Care Chhaupadi: A menstrual taboo in far western Nepal Yasoda Gautam PDF | HTML J Nurs Patient Care Comprehensive pressure ulcer educational program: implementation and assessment of effectiveness Elham Ali Bukhari PDF | HTML J Nurs Patient Care Concurrent enrollment: a new pathway to the baccalaureate degree in Nursing (BSN) Lonnie Wederski and Sally Doshier PDF | HTML J Nurs Patient Care Critical thinking in nursing education: concept analysis Mansooreh Tajvidi, Mahvash Salsali and Shahrzad Ghiasvandian PDF | HTML J Nurs Patient Care Determining entrepreneural characteristics and tendencies in nursing students Ebubekir Kayantas and Yasemin Akbal Ergun PDF | HTML J Nurs Patient Care Developing ethical fitness in nursing students Josee Bonneau PDF | HTML J Nurs Patient Care Effect of the nutritional status and short-term outcome in orthopedic surgery Minyoung Kim and Insil Jang PDF | HTML J Nurs Patient Care Factors that influence nursing and midwifery students intentions to study abroad: a qualitative study using the theory of planned behaviour Sean Kelleher, Serena Fitzgerald and Hegarty J and Josephine Hegarty PDF | HTML J Nurs Patient Care Female adolescents sexual assertiveness type - a Q methodology Kim Hyejin PDF | HTML J Nurs Patient Care Helping nursing students understand the power of health promotion across the lifespan Fred Calixtro PDF | HTML J Nurs Patient Care Increasing students understanding about experiences about living in low-income families Anne Vuori and Päivi Ivanoff- Lahtela PDF | HTML J Nurs Patient Care Investigatıon of thesis studies related to use of simulatıon ın nursing education in Turkey Gunes A PDF | HTML J Nurs Patient Care Korean blue-collar workers knowledge, belief, and behaviors regarding low-salt diet Yoo Hyera and Shin H S PDF | HTML J Nurs Patient Care Less job stress with 12-hour shifts Kari Ingstad PDF | HTML J Nurs Patient Care Loneliness among inpatients diagnosed with schizophrenia: its correlation and relations with social support and satisfaction with life Shaher H Hamaideh PDF | HTML J Nurs Patient Care Mindfulness and compassion training in nursing Carmel Sheridan PDF | HTML J Nurs Patient Care Mobile applications development in nursing care bed Mohammad Reza Dawoudia PDF | HTML J Nurs Patient Care Nursing approach based on interpersonal relations theory of H.E Peplau in patients scheduled for mastectomy due to breast cancer Kamile Kirca and Handan Eren PDF | HTML J Nurs Patient Care Nursing leadership: developing masters prepared transformational leaders through distance education technology and on-site coaching M Kathleen Murphy PDF | HTML J Nurs Patient Care Promoting excellence in undergraduate nursing education through accreditation: lessons learned from a new canadian collaborative program Christine Barlow and Christa MacLean PDF | HTML J Nurs Patient Care Rubrics versus marking guide for nursing students Shahla Meedya, Carolyn Antoniou and Victoria Nevill PDF | HTML J Nurs Patient Care The contribution of the hidden curriculum in university nursing education Aguilar-Cruz, D PDF | HTML J Nurs Patient Care The development of instructional model to enhance critical thinking abilities in pediatric and adolescent nursing practicum Wassachol Pichianwilai PDF | HTML J Nurs Patient Care The effect of palliative care lesson towards the students attitudes of death Emel Gulnar, Husna Ozveren and Nebahat Bora Gunes PDF | HTML J Nurs Patient Care The perfect handover: an innovative approach to report the impact of a combined handover process on inpatient wards in the United Kingdom - a quasi-experimental study Fiona Hamer PDF | HTML J Nurs Patient Care The role of psychiatric symptoms in the pursuit of community rehabilitation goals William Waynor and Joni Dolce PDF | HTML J Nurs Patient Care The use of seclusion for psychiatric inpatients: legal and ethical argumentation Majd T Mrayyan and Wasim Mustafa Hamdan PDF | HTML J Nurs Patient Care Understanding of nurses about their first encounter with death of a patient: an educational focus Hashemi Leila PDF | HTML J Nurs Patient Care Utilization and perceived benefits of social networking sites among nursing students in 10 countries - a global perspective Glenn Ford Valdez PDF | HTML J Nurs Patient Care Video demonstration of a simulated practice exam (OSCE) process to reduce anxiety and improve nursing students understanding and preparation: an action research project Ian Dove PDF | HTML