Biomaterials and Medical ApplicationsISSN: 2577-0268

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Short Communication, Biomater Med Appl Vol: 4 Issue: 2

An Orphan Drug

Jaswinder Singh*

Drug De Addiction Field Amrit Foundation India

*Corresponding Author : Jaswinder Singh
Drug De Addiction Field Amrit Foundation India


An orphan drug is a pharmaceutical agent developed to treat medical conditions which, because they are so rare, would not be profitable to produce without government assistance. The conditions are referred to as orphan diseases. The assignment of orphan status to a disease and to drugs developed to treat it is a matter of public policy in many countries and has yielded medical breakthroughs that might not otherwise have been achieved, due to the economics of drug research and development

Keywords: Biopolymer


An orphan drug is a pharmaceutical agent developed to treat medical conditions which, because they are so rare, would not be profitable to produce without government assistance. The conditions are referred to as orphan diseases. The assignment of orphan status to a disease and to drugs developed to treat it is a matter of public policy in many countries and has yielded medical breakthroughs that might not otherwise have been achieved, due to the economics of drug research and development

Importance & Scope

There are greater than 6000 Rare Diseases. Many rare diseases are identified at the age of childhood, making diagnostic awareness and understanding on treatment and care specifically necessary for paediatricians. The Rare Diseases are so rare that rarity can lead to various troubles including: difficulties in obtaining timely, correct diagnoses; lack of experienced healthcare supervisors; useful, dependable and well timed statistics may additionally be challenging to retrieve; lookup things to do are very less; growing new prescribed drugs can also not be economically feasible; treatments are on occasion very expensive; and in developing countries, the issues are compounded via different resource limitations.

Orphan Drug 2020 is emerging up with an exciting and excessive knowledge gaining convention application this yr also which includes plenary lectures, symposia, workshops on a range of topics, poster shows and a number packages for contributors from at some stage in the world. We welcome you to join us at the International Conference on Orphan Drugs and Rare Diseases in Berlin the place you will be sure to have a significant ride with scholars from around the world. The Rare Diseases Conference aims to extend the reach, impact and trade of scholarly thoughts via revolutionary technology, determined commitment and awesome service. It objectives to provide international collaboration and trade of complete and ultra-modern data on basic, translational, and utilized medical research on Rare Diseases and Orphan Drugs. The field of rare disease products is continuously growing, expecting to reach $180 billion by 2020, with a CGR of 10.5% just for orphan drugs – this is twice the growth rate of the overall prescription drug market.

Why to organize this conference?

1. To share learning and best follow from thought leaders and specialists in the field of Orphan Drugs

2. To engage with compatible individuals with shared interests

3. To inspire and generate awareness to Rare diseases

4. To make a discussion about the diseases and betterment of its treatment

5. To form new partnerships all over the world

6. To get results and diffuse messages face to face in an exceedingly value effective manner

7. To provoke action and collectively bring the evolution in the field of Rare Diseases and its treatment

8. To network and meet new people and organisations who are professional in the field of Orphan Drugs

9. To encourage PR and media coverage.

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