Journal of Womens Health, Issues and CareISSN: 2325-9795

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Research Article, J Womens Health Issues Care Vol: 7 Issue: 3

Apelin and Difference in Cesarean Section and Normal Vaginal Delivery

Najmeh Tehranian1, Shiva Pouraliroudbaneh2,3, Matin Sadat Esmaeilzadeh4, Ashraf Saber5, Anoshirvan Kazemnejad5, Saeideh Sadat Hajimirzaie6, Zainab Mousavi7 and Zeinab Samkan7

1Assistant Professor, Ph.D. of Physiology, Department of Midwifery, Faculty of Medical Sciences, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran

2Master of Midwifery, Department of Midwifery, Faculty of Medical Sciences, Tarbiat Modares University, P.O. BOX. 14115-331, Tehran, Iran

3M.Sc. in Midwifery, Faculty member, Department of midwifery, School of Nursing, Midwifery and Para Medicine, Guilan university of Medical Sciences, Rasht, Iran

4M.Sc. in Midwifery, Department of Midwifery, Bojnurd Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery, North Khorasan University of Medical Science, Bojnurd, Iran

5Professor of Biostatistics, Department of Biostatistics, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran

6Student Research Committee, School of Nursing and Midwifery, Shahroud University of Medical Sciences, Shahroud, Iran

7Midwifery Candidate of Master, Department of Midwifery, Faculty of Medical Sciences, Tarbiat Modares University, P.O. BOX. 14115-331 Tehran, Iran

*Corresponding Author : Shiva Pourali Roudbaneh
Master of Midwifery, Department of Midwifery, Faculty of Medical Sciences, Tarbiat Modares University, P.O.BOX. 14115-331, Tehran, Iran
Tel: +9813-42565058
Fax: +981342565051

Received: March 12, 2018 Accepted: May 11, 2018 Published: May 11, 2018

Citation: Tehranian N, Pouraliroudbaneh S, Esmaeilzadeh MS, Saber A, Kazemnejad A, et al. (2018) Apelin and Difference in Cesarean Section and Normal Vaginal Delivery. J Womens Health, Issues Care 7:3. doi: 10.4172/2325-9795.1000308


Abstract Objective: Delivery is an inflammatory process and Apelin, has a vital role in pro-inflammatory process and uterine contractility. Therefore, this article studied maternal serum apelin-36 before and after cesarean (C/S) and natural vaginal delivery (NVD). Material and Methods: In this study, 166 pregnant, 18-40 years old, were studied during weeks 28-32 of pregnancy until after delivery. They all meet inclusion criteria. To do so, the first blood sample was taken from the participants within third trimester. Twenty-three of these women had to upped elective cesarean and considered as the case group. Then, from the participants who had vaginal delivery, twenty-two were made homogenous concerning demographic characteristics with case group and selected as the control group and the second blood sample in the first 24 h after delivery. Blood samples were measured by means of ELIZA. Data were analyzed by SPSS16. Results: Maternal Apelin-36 concentration in the third trimester of the pregnancy and the first 24 h after delivery were [82.16 ± 99.40 (NM/L)], and [86.49 ± 23.769 (NM/L)] in the C/S group and [101.5 ± 105.65 (NM/L)] and [84.9 ± 63.64 (NM/L)] in the NVD group. A significant difference was seen in NVD group before delivery, compared to after delivery (P=0.029). Furthermore, a statically significant difference was seen in Apelin-36 difference before and after delivery in the NVD group, compared to its difference in the C/S group (P=0,005). A positive relationship was seen between Apelin- 36 concentrations after delivery and during labor (P<0.05). Conclusion: The results indicated that this hormone difference level was more in the NVD group, compared to the C/S group. Furthermore, a positive relation was seen during labor.

Keywords: Apelin-36; Delivery type; Labor duration; Natural delivery; Cesarian

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