Journal of Computer Engineering & Information TechnologyISSN : 2324-9307

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Research Article, J Comput Eng Inf Technol Vol: 13 Issue: 1

Machine Learning Based Yield Prediction System

Om Mane*, Chanthrika RL, Tanvir Mungekar, Preethi Sai Yelisetty, Bindhu Sree and Jaya Subalakshmi R

Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Vellore Institute of Technology, Vellore, India

*Corresponding Author:
Om Mane
Department of Computer Science and Engineering,
Vellore Institute of Technology Vellore,

Received date: 03 May, 2023, Manuscript No. JCEIT-23-97718;
Editor assigned date: 05 May, 2023, PreQC No. JCEIT-23-97718 (PQ);
Reviewed date: 19 May, 2023, QC No. JCEIT-23-97718;
Revised date: 03 July, 2023, Manuscript No. JCEIT-23-97718 (R);
Published date: 10 July, 2023, DOI: 10.4172/2324-9307.1000292

Citation: Mane O, Chanthrika RL, Mungekar T, Yelisetty PS, Sree B, et al. (2023) Machine Learning Based Yield Prediction System. J Comput Eng Inf Technol 12:6.


The wild blueberry industry is a significant contributor to the agricultural sector in the northeastern United States. However, unpredictable weather conditions, soil variability, and pest infestations can significantly affect crop yield, leading to losses for farmers and stakeholders. Therefore, the development of precise and credible crop yield prediction models is critical for efficient resource allocation, improved crop management, and effective marketing strategies. Machine learning algorithms, such as decision tree, linear regression, XGBoost, LightGBM, random forest, AdaBoost, histogram gradient boosting, and CatBoost, have shown great potential for crop yield prediction in recent years. These algorithms can analyze large datasets, identify patterns, and create accurate projections, offering farmers with essential insights into the management of crops, future yields, and commercialization. The models developed in this study can enable farmers and stakeholders to make informed decisions about crop planning and resource allocation, improving the efficiency and sustainability of the wild blueberry industry. Additionally, market forecasters can use these models to predict future demand for wild blueberries, aiding in the development of effective marketing strategies. In conclusion, the development of accurate and reliable crop yield prediction models by application of machine learning algorithms holds the prospective to have a big impact on the field of agriculture, particularly for industries such as wild blueberries that are vulnerable to weather variability and other factors.

Keywords: Regression; Decision tree; Extreme gradient boosting; Light gradient boosting machine; Categorical boosting; Adaptive boosting; Histogram gradient boosting


The wild blueberry industry is a critical sector in agriculture, providing not only a valuable food source but also economic benefits to farmers and communities. However, like any industry, it faces challenges such as unpredictable weather patterns, pests, diseases, and market fluctuations. To address these challenges and improve the sustainability and profitability of the wild blueberry industry, stakeholders can leverage the power of machine learning algorithms [1]. By analyzing historical data and identifying patterns and trends, these algorithms can provide insights into crop management, future production, and marketing strategies. Identify applicable funding agency here. If none, delete this linear regression is a popular regression approach that models a linear relationship between variables that are both independent and dependent [2]. In the context of the wild blueberry industry, it can be used to predict crop yield based on factors such as weather patterns, soil quality, and irrigation methods. Random forest is an ensemble method for improving model precision and robustness through the integration of numerous decision trees. It can be used to analyze complex relationships between input variables and crop yield, taking into account both linear and nonlinear effects [3]. Decision trees are a popular approach for classification and regression tasks, modeling relationships between input variables and target variable as a tree structure. In the context of the wild blueberry industry, decision trees can be used to discover the elements that most influence crop yield, such as soil pH, precipitation, and infestations of insects [4].

XGBoost and LightGBM are optimized gradient boosting methods that are designed to handle large and complex data sets. They use decision trees as base learners and can achieve high accuracy and speed, as a result, they are suited to evaluating the massive volumes of data generated by the wild blueberry industry in general. AdaBoost is another ensemble method that uses iterative weight adjustments on training samples to combine numerous weak classifiers to build a strong classifier [5]. It can be used to identify the most important factors affecting crop yield and provide recommendations for improving crop management practices. Histogram gradient boosting is a variant of gradient boosting that uses histograms to bin data, reducing computational complexity and enabling the handling of large data sets with high dimensional feature spaces. It can be used to analyze complex relationships between input variables and crop yield and identify the most significant factors affecting crop production [6]. CatBoost is a gradient boosting method designed to handle categorical features with high accuracy and robustness on a wide range of data sets. It can be used to examine the effects of market demand, consumer preferences, and distribution routes on the wild blueberry sector. Algorithms for machine learning, such as random forest, linear regression, decision trees, XGBoost, LightGBM, AdaBoost, histogram gradient boosting, and CatBoost can provide farmers and other stakeholders with better insights into crop management, future production, and marketing. By using these algorithms, we can optimize crop production, improve food security, and contribute to the sustainability of the agricultural industry [7].

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Materials and Methods

Dataset selection

This study employs the wild blueberry pollination model, a spatially explicit simulation model that has been validated using observational and experimental evidence collected in Maine, USA, over the last 30 years [15]. Blueberry production prediction systems necessitate a large amount of information on plant spatial features, bee species composition, and weather variables. Simulation experiments were generated in a multi-step strategy, and simulations on the calibrated blueberry simulation model were performed, and a simulated dataset was acquired. Figure 1 showcases the methodology followed for training the dataset: The major attributes of this dataset were chosen to create eight machine learning based predictive models. The Pearson Correlation features of the dataset is shown in Figure 2.

Figure 1: System architecture of the model.

Figure 2: Pearson correlation of the dataset.

Data preprocessing

Data preprocessing is an important step in preparing the wild blueberry dataset for machine learning. Here are some common preprocessing steps that were applied to the dataset [16].

• Data cleaning.
• Feature selection.
• Feature scaling.
• Encoding categorical variable.
• Splitting the dataset.
• Handling class imbalance.

Feature selection

Feature selection is a crucial step in preparing the wild blueberry dataset for machine learning. Here are some techniques for feature selection in the wild blueberry dataset [17].

• Correlation analysis.
• Recursive feature elimination.
• Lasso regression.
• Principal component analysis.
• Mutual information.

Splitting the data

Splitting the wild blueberry dataset into training, validation, and testing sets is an important step in preparing the dataset for machine learning. The approach to splitting the dataset is as follows.

• Shuffle the dataset.
• Split the dataset.
• Training set.
• Validation set.
• Testing set.

Model selection

The models chosen for predicting the crop yield were linear regression, random forest, decision tree, XGBoost, LightGBM, CatBoost, AdaBoost and histogram gradient boosting as shown in Figure 3.

Figure 3: Hierarchy of machine learning algorithms.

Linear regression: Linear regression is a supervised learning approach for predicting a continuous target variable from one or more input features [18]. It uses a linear equation to model the relationship between the input data and the target variable, with the goal of finding the best fit line that minimizes the difference between predicted and actual values.

Random forest: Random forest is a classification, regression, and other task specific ensemble learning method that combines numerous decision trees to increase accuracy and robustness.

Decision tree: A decision tree is a well-known machine learning technique that is used for classification and regression applications.

XGBoost: XGBoost is a powerful and efficient gradient boosting method that uses decision trees as base learners to handle large and complex datasets with high accuracy and speed.

LightGBM: LightGBM is a machine learning gradient boosting framework noted for its efficiency and speed. It adopts a tree-based ensemble technique, similar to previous gradient boosting approaches, but with a distinct ”leaf wise” tree development strategy that prioritises samples that are most likely to increase the model’s accuracy.

CatBoost: CatBoost is an open source gradient boosting framework that is designed to handle categorical features and provide high accuracy in a relatively short amount of time.

AdaBoost: AdaBoost (Adaptive Boosting) is a binary classification ensemble learning algorithm that combines the outputs of numerous weak classifiers. It trains weak classifiers iteratively on weighted versions of the training data, focusing on incorrectly categorized samples from prior iterations. After every computation, the weights of misclassified samples are increased, allowing AdaBoost to adapt as well as learn from its mistakes [19].

Histogram gradient boosting: Histogram gradient boosting is an algorithm for machine learning which employs decision trees and gradient boosting to produce an effective predictive model.


Mean Absolute Error (MAE), Mean Squared Error (MSE), Root Mean Squared Error (RMSE), and R-squared (R2) were utilized to evaluate the performance of the model. These statistics were calculated as follows:

Mean absolute error: Mean Absolute Error (MAE) is a machine learning metric that is often used to assess the accuracy or performance of a model’s predictions. The average absolute difference between planned and actual values is calculated. Mathematically, MAE is calculated as follows:


Below x and y are D dimensional vectors, and xi represents the value on x’s ith dimension. MAE represents the average absolute difference between expected and actual values. It is a measure of the size of errors without taking into account their direction. A lower MAE denotes better accuracy and performance, with 0 indicating flawless prediction.

Mean square error: Mean Square Error (MSE) is another machine learning statistic that is often used to assess the accuracy or performance of a model’s predictions. The average squared difference between expected and actual values is calculated. MSE is determined mathematically as follows:


The mean squared difference between expected and actual values is represented by MSE. Squaring the differences magnifies greater mistakes, making MSE more sensitive to outliers than MAE. A lower MSE suggests better accuracy and performance, with 0 indicating flawless prediction.

R-squared: In the context of machine learning, the R-squared (R2) value, also known as the coefficient of determination or, in the case of multiple regression, the coefficient of multiple determination, is used as a measure of evaluation. R2 is employed in regression analysis to assess the dispersion of data points around the fitted regression line and determine the proportion of variation in the dependent variable [20]. It is a widely used statistical metric in the field of machine learning for quantifying the goodness-of-fit of regression models. RSquared can be calculated mathematically as follows:


Where, n: Number of samples or data points. yactual,i: Actual values or ground truth in the context of the ith data point. ypred,i: Predicted values by the model in the context of the ith data point. yactual: Mean of the actual values.

It takes on values between 0 and 1, where a value of 0 signifies that the model explains no variance in the dependent variable, while a value of 1 indicates that the model explains all the variance in the dependent variable. A higher R2 value indicates better model performance, with a value of 1 representing a perfect prediction, and therefore the best possible performance.

Results and Discussion

The given data as shown in Figure 4 and Table 1 is the comparison of different machine learning algorithms based on some performance metrics. In the following comparison, the performance metrics, it can be inferred that the first column represents the Mean Absolute Error (MAE) of each algorithm, the second column represents the Mean Squared Error (MSE), the third column represents the Root Mean Squared Error (RMSE), and the fourth column represents the coefficient of determination (R-squared) of each algorithm.

Figure 4: Histogram of the simulation results.

Algorithms used Parameters
Random forest 111.513 19606.42 140.023 0.988
Decision tree 155.332 40653.42 201.627 0.975
Linear regression 90.284 12892.12 113.543 0.992
XGBoost 110.498 19756.95 140.559 0.988
LightGBM 101.597 16724.96 129.325 0.99
CatBoost 96.477 14572.85 120.718 0.991
AdaBoost 158.76 38803.8 196.987 0.976
HistGradient boosting 101.058 16360.62 127.909 0.99

Table 1: Simulation readings.

Based on these performance metrics, linear regression algorithm has the lowest MAE, MSE, and RMSE values of 90.284, 12892.118, 113.543 respectively, indicating that it has the best predictive performance among the algorithms considered. The XGBoost and random forest algorithms also have relatively low error values and high R-squared values, indicating good performance as well. The decision tree and AdaBoost algorithms have the highest error values and lowest R-squared values, indicating poorer predictive performance. The remaining algorithms, including linear regression, light GBM, and histogram gradient boosting, have intermediate error and R-squared values, indicating decent performance but not as good as the top performing algorithms. Based on the evaluation of these metrics, it appears that the linear regression, CatBoost, lightgbm, and histgradientboost models have in terms of accuracy and reliability in predicting the target variable, outperformed all other models.


Agriculture, like many other industries, is undergoing a paradigm transition towards digitalization. This transformation entails collecting and analysing vast amounts of data inside farming operations using wireless technology, robotics, the Internet of Things (IoT), and Artificial Intelligence (AI) networks. Meaningful insights can be gleaned from this massive volume of data using AI algorithms. As previously stated, this project’s primary objective is to accurately evaluate the output of wild blueberry crops. However, in future it is possible to create more accurate models by combining the strengths of multiple models. These hybrid models can be created by combining the algorithms of the best-performing models, or by using an ensemble learning approach that combines the predictions of multiple models.


We would want to extend our heartfelt appreciation to Prof. Jaya Subalakshmi R for their guidance and mentorship throughout the research process. And Vellore institute of technology for providing access to necessary resources and facilities to research databases and literature. Finally, we would like to thank the anonymous reviewers for their constructive remarks and ideas, which considerably improved the final text. We are grateful to everyone who contributed to the effective completion of this research.


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