Biomaterials and Medical ApplicationsISSN: 2577-0268

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Short Communication, Biomater Med Appl Vol: 4 Issue: 2

Nanomedicine and Nanotechnology

Ahmet Yavuz*

Gebze Technical University, Turkey

*Corresponding Author : Ahmet Yavuz
Drug De Addiction Field Amrit Foundation India


Nanotechnology cover a wide range of research on the evaluation, diagnosis, prevention, and treatment of disorders, diseases and conditions of the body functions and their impact on the human body. The discipline of research on Nanomaterials has undergoing changes in range, methods, instrumentation and technology which is propelled by increased awareness of quality care in Nanotechnology researches in the field of Nanotechnology. The field of Nanotechnology is evolving at a rapid pace, with the introduction of several materials, instruments, and equipment’s. However, there is minimum information of their relevance of Nanotechnology.


Nanotechnology cover a wide range of research on the evaluation, diagnosis, prevention, and treatment of disorders, diseases and conditions of the body functions and their impact on the human body. The discipline of research on Nanomaterials has undergoing changes in range, methods, instrumentation and technology which is propelled by increased awareness of quality care in Nanotechnology researches in the field of Nanotechnology. The field of Nanotechnology is evolving at a rapid pace, with the introduction of several materials, instruments, and equipment’s. However, there is minimum information of their relevance of Nanotechnology.

Scope and Importance:

One in four individual in the globe will be affected by drug side effects at some point in their lives. Often, when a patient loses consciousness due to disease. Nanotechnology is more vital to the common public than ever before, and with the rise of reported drug effect, it might seem a bit confusing as to why personalities still tend to ignore the consequences of leaving these symptoms crude, USD 8.67 billion in 2016 and is projected to reach USD 15.90 billion by 2025, growing at a CAGR of 6.97% from 2017 to 2025. A unique model is customized for each study. Gathered information for technology landscape, market dynamics, application development and pricing trends is fed into the model and analyzed simultaneously. These factors are studied on a comparative basis, and their impact over the forecast period is quantified with the help of correlation, regression and time series analysis. Market projecting is performed via a combination of economic tools, technological analysis, and industry experience and domain expertise. The global market for individual drugs was given as per the below, and as per the chart it describes the respective drug’s market values in present economic year i.e., 2017 or 2018 in billion USD and expected growth rate by 2022 and 2023 and the CAGR is given in percentage growth.


Ahmet Yavuz will be taking privilege of felicitating organizing committee member. With the support of organizing committee, ME Conferences is organizing the upcoming event .We are honoured to schedule our next series “28th International Conference on Nanomedicine and Nanomaterials” during May 29-30, 2020 Istanbul, Turkey.

Why to organize this conference?

1. To share learning and best follow from thought leaders and specialists in the field of Orphan Drugs

2. To engage with compatible individuals with shared interests

3. To inspire and generate awareness to Rare diseases

4. To make a discussion about the diseases and betterment of its treatment

5. To form new partnerships all over the world

6. To get results and diffuse messages face to face in an exceedingly value effective manner

7. To provoke action and collectively bring the evolution in the field of Rare Diseases and its treatment

8. To network and meet new people and organisations who are professional in the field of Orphan Drugs

9. To encourage PR and media coverage.

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