Journal of Womens Health, Issues and CareISSN: 2325-9795

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Research Article, J Womens Health Issues Care Vol: 2 Issue: 3

Obstetrical Ultrasound in Senegal: Knowledge, Attitude and Practice

Philippe Marc Moreira, Mamour Guèye*, Marie Edouard Faye Diémé, Magatte Mbaye, Serigne Modou Kane Guèye, Odette Daba Sarr and Jean Charles Moreau
Clinique Gynécologique et Obstétricale, EPS Aristide Le Dantec, 3, Avenue Pasteur BP 3001, Dakar, Sénégal
Corresponding author : Mamour Gueye
Clinique Gynécologique et Obstétricale, EPS Aristide Le Dantec, 3, Avenue Pasteur BP 3001, Dakar, Sénégal
Tel: 00221 776517272
Received: January 06, 2013 Accepted: March 02, 2013 Published: March 08, 2013
Citation: Moreira PM, Guèye M, Faye Diémé ME, Mbaye M, Kane Guèye SM, et al. (2013) Obstetrical Ultrasound in Senegal: Knowledge, Attitude and Practice. J Womens Health, Issues Care 2:3. doi:10.4172/2325-9795.1000107


Objectives: Identify the profile of providers, determine their level of knowledge of protocols and standards in obstetric ultrasound, assess the attitude and quality of the relationship provider-patient, assess the quality of ultrasound examinations and identify the need for continuing medical education in obstetric ultrasound.
Materials and methods: This is a prospective study over a period of four months from January 1, 2009 to May 31, 2009, targeting providers practicing obstetrical ultrasound and officiating in the regions of Dakar and Thies. The parameters studied were socio professional characteristics, training received, knowledge of norms and standards in obstetric ultrasound, the attitude during the ultrasound examination, the level of practice of obstetric ultrasound, the standards and obstetrical ultrasound protocols and training in obstetrical ultrasound. Data were analyzed using the software Sphinx.
Results: The rate of acceptance was 76.2%. Gynecologists (59.4%) and radiologists (25%) were most represented in our sample. The ultrasound machine used was up to 10 years old or more in 70.1% of cases. The recommended frequency array of abdominal probe was known by 71.9% and 40.4% for the transvaginal probe. The recommended number of fetal ultrasound during normal pregnancy were known by 84.5% of operators and their frequency by 72.9%, 83.3% knew the criteria for fetal biometry and 44.4% of fetal morphology.
Conclusion: The legal framework for the practice of ultrasound is urgent to prevent further abuses and increase the quality of exams. There is urgent need for standardized basic training, certification and periodic recertification based on continuing medical education for providers in our country.

Keywords: Ultrasound; Obstetric; Dakar; Knowledge; Attitude; Training

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