Journal of Chemistry and Applied Chemical EngineeringISSN : 2576-3954

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A new approach for modeling of catalytic processes in industrial column apparatuses

Christo Boyanov Boyadjiev

Institute of Chemical Engineering, Bulgaria

: J Chem Appl Chem Eng


The heterogeneous gas-solid catalytic process will be considered in the cases of physical and chemical adsorption mechanism. The interphase mass transfer theory is not applicable for the heterogeneous catalytic processes modeling in the column apparatuses, because the interphase surface and velocity distribution in the column are unknown. This problem is solved in the book:
Chr. Boyadjiev, M. Doichinova, B. Boyadjiev, P. Popova- Krumova, “Modeling of Column Apparatus Processes” (Second edition), Springer-Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg, 2018, 456 pp., where new convection-diffusion and average-concentration models are used, where the surface reactions (interphase mass transfer, adsorption and heterogeneous catalytic reaction) are replaced with volume reactions (sources or sinks) of the reagents and the average velocity is used.
The industrial column catalytic reactors is possible to be modeled on the base of the physical approximations of the mechanics of continua, where the mathematical point is equivalent to a small (elementary) physical volume, which is sufficiently small with respect to the apparatus volume, but at the same time sufficiently large with respect to the intermolecular volumes in the medium.
As a result, a convection-diffusion type model (for qualitative analysis) and an average-concentration type model (for quantitative analysis) are possible to be used in a cylindrical coordinate system (r,z), where r and z are the radial and axial coordinates of the elementary phase volumes.


Christo Boyanov Boyadjiev has done his education in Higher Institute of Chemical Technology, Sofia, Bulgaria and PhD in USSR, Moscow Institute of Chemical Mechanical Engineering in 1968. He is a Professor in Chemical Engineering since 1981.


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