Approaching the Climate Emergency with School Children

Phil Humphreys

Head of Geography, Wychwood School Oxford, UK

: Expert Opin Environ Biol


The climate crisis is a very real and serious issue. Our pupils are faced with it in their daily lives. The media concentrates on the consequences, and as such leaves little time to the solutions. A recent survey of 10,000 young people across 10 countries found that most respondents were concerned about climate change, with nearly 60% saying they felt ‘very worried’ or ‘extremely worried’. Many associated negative emotions with climate change — the most commonly chosen were ‘sad’, ‘afraid’, ‘anxious’, ‘angry’ and ‘powerless’ (see ‘Climate anxiety’). Overall, 45% of participants said their feelings about climate change impacted their daily lives. 1. Study co-author Caroline Hickman, refers to “a general ‘othering’ of children in society, and children’s voices that threaten the predominant narrative of the most powerful group in society,” I have done similar research at School, and the answers are similar. I am of the belief however, that if not them, then who? My pupils are very eco aware but do feel lost and confused. It is not only our job to steer them through this confusion but to impower them to make a difference. For, if not them then who?
Recent Publications
1. Natureevolve Issue 6 June 2020 ‘Plastic pollution awareness in the classroom’


Phil Humphreys has been a Geography Teacher for 26 years, most recently as Head of Department at a Girls School in Oxford. Over that time the content of the subject has evolved into something that has gone from the theoretical, for example Ox – Bow Lakes, to the very real. More and more Geographical content is newsworthy, be it the Migrant Crisis or Brexit. Climate Change however is one of the most real and pressing issues facing us all, but especially our young people today. This is why Phil is passionate about creating the next batch of radical Geographers, students ready to rise up and make a difference.

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