Diagnostic Dilemma in Children and Adolescents- Overlap in ASD, ADHD, Asperger's Disorders- Beyond the DSM 5

Kanchana Singha Boseroy

Associate Clinical Professor, Child Health, University of Arizona, Phoenix College of Medicine, USA

: Int J Ment Health Psychiatry


Statement of the Problem: In clinical practice, we get patients who are brought in by parents to find out whether they have ASD or ADHD or other behavioral disorders. Presenting symptoms are anxiety, sensory issues, difficulty transitioning, fixated on certain preferences, emotional outbursts, stubborn, defiant, oppositional with some social skills issues. They also usually have sleep issues and academic underachievement in relation to intellectual potential. Differential diagnosis: While DSM 5 criteria of ASD and ADHD are clear and different, in real practice, often it is difficult to determine, whether the child has ASD, ADHD, is gifted child or has social anxiety and other anxiety disorders, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder or Oppositional Defiant Disorder, Depression or Selective Mutism. Non Verbal Learning Disorder and Executive functioning deficits can further complicate diagnosis. Intellectual, academic and linguistic profiles in addition to sociobehavioral profile are different in ADHD and ASD and are important to consider. Conclusion & Significance: This oral presentation will discuss DSM 5 criteria for ASD and ADHD, overlap of symptomatology, similarities and differences between them. Executive functioning deficits will also be discussed as well as Asperger's Disorder and " smart/ADHD personality". Giftedness with its unique personality will be discussed. Management strategies to address these diagnostic entities and impairment in functioning will be discussed as the 4 prong management tool. Our goal is for these children to grow up to be self - sustaining individuals and we will achieve that by stimulating strengths while strengthening weaknesses!


Kanchana S. Boseroy is an experienced Developmental Behavioral Pediatrician with special interest in her "Terrific teens" and their unique ASD/ ADHD personalities. She is passionate about Advocacy, Arts in medicine specially in mental health, and Social Justice. She has presented in numerous forums in mental and behavioral health. She is very involved in service provision and works in India, Bangladesh, Bolivia, Haiti, Ethiopia and other countries in addition to USA. She has her non- profit organizations. In addition she is very involved in academic medicine, in teaching, and clinical research.

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