Investigating Climate change and immigration that impacts on urban policies (urban integration management)

Mohammad sohrabi, Saeed sohrabi and Faranak sohrabi

PHD. of urban planning geography
student of civil engineer
Master of Accounting and IT

: Expert Opin Environ Biol


Rapid urbanization and sprawl urban grows in suburban area, occupying the hinter land in city of Tehran. Increase in earth temperature lead to thaw the snow and rapid evaporation that human migration is potentially influenced by environmental factors but ultimately shaped a complexity of forces including social, economic and cultural process. Migration and resettlement will be the most threatening long -term effect climate change in Tehran population. in order to manage rapid increase of population .and encourage reverse immigration from Tehran need to investigate three main challenges 1-water management 2-extreme weather events 3-drought 4- heat waves 5-violent storm and floods That increase will happen in three form 1--refugee like situation2- environmentally driven displacement 3-migrant like situations.To manage disaster displacement risk in Tehran is a necessity to surveying structural of institutions for integrating urban management more ever before. Because illegal cross border immigration will accompany by our political and environmental Afghan eastern neighbor country that mostly, move to the capital. This paper is descriptive and analytical which analyses in SWAT model develop recommendations for integrated approaches to avert , minimize and address displacement related to the adverse impacts of climate change. Iran cities is venerable to climate change ,can rapid population growth and migration pressures. People from other cities move to Tehran in search of greater opportunity, responding to their demands will reduce and endanger urban economic, health, water, and disruption of city ecosystem . climate change is considered a threat multiplier by experts in the security community and climate induced mass migration can contribute to height –end tension in Tehran.


Mohammad Sohrabi has received his PH.D in urban planning Geography .He has completed his Bachelor’s Degree and Master’s Degree in Urban Planning Geography. He has 31 years of experience in municipality of Tehran in research and training ,teaching, ,management and he is an Ex executive deputy of Asian Mayors secretariat. He received award for best researcher in urban policies Tehran. He has published research articles on “Impact of illegal I immigration on sustainable urban development efforts case study city of Mashhad Iran” , “Impact of climate change on urban economic case study city of Tehran Iran” and “Revision and amendment of urban management regulations and its effect on reducing urban construction damages, from geographical viewpoint (Case study: General Department of Article 100 of Tehran Municipality”


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