The ideal nutrition for students during Exams

Rahma Tarek

Al Rahma Clinic, Egypt

: J Food Nutr Disor


One of the worse habits that became very common recently is ignoring the students during their exams what they should eat, and not taking care of their health, paying all of their attention towards studying. This is very common mistake that come with unfavorable results. The good Nutrition is so important during exams period, because it keep the brain active and the memory fresh. Most students consider eating food and good nutrition not in their priorities, so, they become more addictive to tea, coffee and other stimulants believing that those helping them for more focus and concentration. But this is misunderstanding because of increasing in drinking caffeine lead to anxiety and worry. So, it’s very important for students to take a break and do some exercises which is helping them to activate circulatory system in the brain cells. Students should also take care of eating fresh fruits and vegetables and drinking fresh juices and drinking a lot of water. It’s so important for them at this time not to eat take away and fatty meals which make them lazy. The perfect nutrition starts with the breakfast because it comes after long time of not eating anything, and also eating some light sweets as an energy source. And should also avoiding food rich of carbohydrates before getting exams, because it cause increasing in level of serotonin in blood causing laziness, drowsiness and relaxation so decreasing the ability to focus. There are some foods causing calmness should be eaten during the exams period like drinking a cup of hot milk before sleeping which is very useful. Also eating some foods that help in focusing and resource for energy like (banana and walnuts); Also fruit sugar (fructose) is very important energy resource for the body. Also eating red meat is very important. And it’s a must for all students during exams periods to get enough deep sleeping which is helping them to be more focus and present.


She is the owner at Al Rahma Clinic from 2016 She has started her carrier as Doctor of Physical Therapy & Nutritionist in Alexandria International Hospital from 2013-2015. She has worked as Doctor of Physical Therapy & Nutritionist Diet Care Clinic from 2015-2016 and from 2012-2016 accordingly. she has studied BA Degree in the Pharous University Alexandria and currently she is the member at association in feeding children and diabetics.


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