Journal of Computer Engineering & Information TechnologyISSN : 2324-9307

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A Framework for Performance Study of Micro Computers in a Virtual Environment (A Case Study of AMD and Intel Processors)

Virtualization is used in cloud as the underlying technology for managing and improving the utilization of data and computing centre resources by server consolidation. Performance is an important quality measure for any organization to accomplish its operations efficiently. IT professionals have to identify what their performance requirements are, for example some hardware platforms do consider virtualization; whereas others operate as a standalone. Also some applications and operating systems may not be compatible with some hardware. While some systems need substantial CPU processing power, others may need significant I/O requirements. Many research works were done on the performances of microcomputers in a virtual environment but most of them used the traditional method of powering the virtual system and did not consider the used and available memories. This work did not only considered the load on CPU and Memory but also the used and available memories as well as developed an automated method of running the virtual system from the hypervisor to the hardware monitor level for speed and accuracy. An analytical model was developed and simulated using Bootstrap, Html, and Php while MySQL was used as database.  Performance measures of utilization for both the CPU and memories of the two mother boards AMD and Intel were evaluated; the result revealed that Intel yields better results of 50% as against 63% for AMD when both were in physical environment, and 51% as against AMD’s 52% when in virtual environment for the diverse workloads. But the memory of AMD gives better results of 40.9% as against Intel’s 66.4% when in the physical environment and 66.3% for AMD as against Intel’s 68.7% when compared in the virtual environment. This means that the type of memories has effect on the performances of a server. Virtualization can be recommended to schools and organizations that are having constrains in buying computer hardware.  

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