Journal of Nuclear Energy Science & Power Generation TechnologyISSN: 2325-9809

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A Novel Grid-Connected PVBattery Control Strategy for Electric-Based Power Generation

In this paper, a novel hybrid Voltage Source Converter (VSC) controller and battery bidirectional controller have been designed to solve the difficulties of power fluctuation on the DC-link of the grid connected Photovoltaic (PV)/battery system. The hybrid VSC controller is designed to maintain smooth power on DC-link. The hybrid VSC controller adjusted the inverter pulse signals based on the PV-generated output, which is affected by environmental climates and load variation. To achieve system stability, the charge and discharge of the battery are performed by a bidirectional controller that is synchronized with a hybrid VSC in a coordinated manner so that supply maximum power to the grid. The performance analysis of the proposed controller, the issues of DC and AC sides of the system are analyzed and these aspects are mitigated by the proposed controller that has been used to improve power quality and eliminate harmonics distribution. On the other side, the performance of the hybrid controller has been analyzed under the situation of one-day environmental climates. Finally, the simulation results in MATLAB/Simulink demonstrate that the proposed electric based power generation controller performs well on the presented grid connected PV/ battery system.

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