Journal of Nanomaterials & Molecular NanotechnologyISSN: 2324-8777

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Fabrication and Application of Photocatalysis of Graphene and Graphene Derivative

Graphene is the most potential material in nanotechnology and has attracted a remarkable amount of attention in recent years in material science, due to its large specific area, unique monolayer structure, superior electron mobility, high conductivity, chemical stability, and electrical properties of the Two-Dimensional (2-D) material. The use of graphene and its derivatives to increase the effectiveness of photocatalysts has attracted much curiosity. This review focuses on the recent important development in the preparation and applications of graphene-based photo catalysts. The applications of the new materials in the degradation of pollutants, photocatalytic hydrogen evolution, and water disinfection are presented. High efficiency photocatalysts are vital for the removal of organic pollutants and environmental sustainability.

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