Journal of Applied Bioinformatics & Computational BiologyISSN: 2329-9533

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Interactions of Glycrhizzin with the Peri-Implant Microbiome, an Analysis of Molecular Mechanisms using In Silico Validation Tools

Dental implants are almost replacing all the tooth supported fixed prothesis as it involves extra two teeth for replacing a single tooth which are missing. The survival rates of implants are also about 96.4% to 99% over a period of 10 years. The primary concern is the healing period which is quite longer than fixed prosthesis and maintenance is also a major concern for the survival of the implant. It has been observed that patients who have multiple implants, when they lost one implant due to peri implant disease the risk of losing the other implants due to the same cause increases multifold times. This study is to evaluate whether the use of glycyrrhizin will have any impact on the peri implantitis causing microbes and relate with the medications that can be used in the near future.

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