Journal of Nursing & Patient CareISSN: 2573-4571

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Nursing and Patient Care

The Journal of Nursing and Patient Care plays a crucial role in the development of effective nursing practices. It attracts scholars from a broad array of scientific disciplines who engage in research, develop theories and models, and analyze real life cases, and design training and development programs for a professional audience. Nurses face many challenges. Patient care initiatives and new technologies can result in better nursing practices. However, the nursing profession faces an imminent shortage of nurses. Retention of older nurses, integration of newer and inexperienced nurses, and the high patient nurse ratio constitute pressing problems with potentially detrimental consequences for patient care. Finding new and innovative ways to address these challenges is essential to attract and retain talents in the profession and to maintain high quality patient care. Such challenges highlight the need for research on turnover, occupational health among nurses, effective newcomer adjustment strategies, mentoring,training and development, and to elucidate ways nurses can play a leadership role in the profession.

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