Journal of Nursing & Patient CareISSN: 2573-4571

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Editorial, J Nurs Patient Care Vol: 1 Issue: 1

Nursing and Patient Care

Louise Tourigny*
Department of Management, College of Business and Economics, University of Wisconsin-Whitewater, USA
Corresponding author : Louise Tourigny
Department of Management, College of Business and Economics, University of Wisconsin-Whitewater, USA
Tel:(262) 472-5735
Fax: (262) 472-4863
Received: March 22, 2016 Accepted: March 24, 2016 Published: March 26, 2016
Citation: Louise Tourigny (2016) Nursing and Patient Care. J Nurs Patient Care 1:1. doi:10.4172/2573-4571.1000e101


The Journal of Nursing and Patient Care plays a crucial role in the development of effective nursing practices. It attracts scholars from a broad array of scientific disciplines who engage in research, develop theories and models, and analyze real life cases, and design training and development programs for a professional audience. Nurses face many challenges. Patient care initiatives and new technologies can result in better nursing practices. However, the nursing profession faces an imminent shortage of nurses. Retention of older nurses, integration of newer and inexperienced nurses, and the high patient nurse ratio constitute pressing problems with potentially detrimental consequences for patient care. Finding new and innovative ways to address these challenges is essential to attract and retain talents in the profession and to maintain high quality patient care. Such challenges highlight the need for research on turnover, occupational health among nurses, effective newcomer adjustment strategies, mentoring,training and development, and to elucidate ways nurses can play a leadership role in the profession.

Keywords: Nursing;Patient Care


The Journal of Nursing and Patient Care plays a crucial role in the development of effective nursing practices. It attracts scholars from a broad array of scientific disciplines who engage in research, develop theories and models, and analyze real life cases, and design training and development programs for a professional audience. Nurses face many challenges. Patient care initiatives and new technologies can result in better nursing practices. However, the nursing profession faces an imminent shortage of nurses. Retention of older nurses, integration of newer and inexperienced nurses, and the high patientnurse ratio constitute pressing problems with potentially detrimental consequences for patient care. Finding new and innovative ways to address these challenges is essential to attract and retain talents in the profession and to maintain high quality patient care. Such challenges highlight the need for research on turnover, occupational health among nurses, effective newcomer adjustment strategies, mentoring, training and development, and to elucidate ways nurses can play a leadership role in the profession.
Scholars from various disciplines actively contribute to the development of knowledge in health care. They bring synergy to the field by exploring various ways through which health care services can be enhanced. The nursing profession is complex, demanding, evolving, and rapidly changing. Without the synergy of disciplines such as applied psychology, human resources, and organizational behavior, the working conditions of nurses and their impact on their occupational health and attendant consequences for patient care will not be studied in a comprehensive way.
The practice of nursing is advanced with the study of practical cases taken in context. The depth of discovery comes with a mode of investigation that takes into consideration the complexity of the work performed by nurses and the context in which such work is accomplished. Consequently, various methods are employed to generate empirical evidence so as to consolidate findings and challenge existing knowledge.
Nursing is a global profession. Comparative studies across cultures, countries, regions, and hospitals bring value by exploring similarities and differences in nursing practices. International collaboration among researchers is essential to raise the quality of nursing in the developed and developing world.
Nursing research requires cross-disciplinary, multi-disciplinary, international, cross-cultural, local and global perspectives, which are all necessary to a productive exchange of ideas. The future of the profession depends on it. We welcome studies that contribute to the enhancement of the profession by exploring new ideas or by challenging existing ones in innovative ways.
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