Journal of Nuclear Energy Science & Power Generation TechnologyISSN: 2325-9809

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User Mobility Science With Intelligent Location Tracking Scheme For Managing Nuclear Energy

Two main issues arise while using mobile radio communications. First and foremost, the radio connection is of terrible quality. Second, the users' movement, which necessitates the control of their location, consumes resources. The second problem is addressed in this article, and an intelligent technique for user location is proposed the Alternate Solution (AS) scheme. Our approach is based on the fact that the majority of people's mobility behavior can be predicted. This feature, if taken into account by the system save signaling messages as a result of mobility management processes, resulting in system nuclear energy savings. The AS is detailed in many variants: a fundamental variant for long-term events (such as intercepted contacts and registrations), and versions with enhanced memory for quick and medium-term events. Analytic and simulation methods were used to evaluate the basic versions. It demonstrates that keeping mobility-related information saves a significant amount of system resources when users have medium or high predictability in their mobility habits. More broadly, this study emphasizes the need for future systems to incorporate user-related data to first, offer personalized services; and second, conserve system nuclear energy science resources. On the other hand, recent developments in mobile communications indicate that adaptive and dynamic system capabilities need the collection and computation of additional data.

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