Journal of Nuclear Energy Science & Power Generation TechnologyISSN: 2325-9809

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Workforce Planning and Capacity Building of Rooppur Nuclear Power Plant

Human Resource Development (HRD) and management is one of the key nuclear infrastructure issues for any nuclear power program especially for a newcomer country. Bangladesh government has taken firm decision to establish a Nuclear Power Plant (NPP) and signed a general contract to construct a NPP of 2400 MWe (two units of 1200 MWe each) at Rooppur under government ownership through technical and financial bi-lateral cooperation with Russian Federation. Both units are scheduled to be operational by 2024. As an embarking country, HRD has led to a vital issue for sustainability of nuclear power program in Bangladesh. Though Bangladesh has many years of experience in operating research reactors, the national nuclear HRD strategies were not well formulated. So, it was a great challenge to start a nuclear power program in Bangladesh. Despite the limitations, a well-structured and well-articulated HRD plan have been developed for Rooppur NPP operation and maintenance with the cooperation of experienced vendor country. This paper is aiming to discuss how Bangladesh as a newcomer country developed the HRD strategy for Rooppur NPP.

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