II Bashter Author
Subjects of specialization
Neutron imaging
Department of Physics, Faculty of Science, Zagazig University, Cairo, Egypt
II Bashter is woking in the Laboratories for Detection of Landmines and Illicit Materials, Reactor Physics Department of Physics, Faculty of Science, Zagazig University, Cairo, Egypt
Research Article Subscription
Author(s): Ahmad M Osman, Ashraf S Abd-elrhman, II Bashter and RM Megahid
Detection and Identification of Contraband in Air Cargo Containers Using Neutron Based Techniques
This paper describes and discusses the combined system which was installed to allocate and identify contraband materials hidden in air cargo containers by fast neutron radiography and neutron elemental analysis techniques. A slit of fan beam of fast neutrons emitted from Pu-Be source was used. The fast neutron fluxes passed through different lines crossing the hidden object were detected by a neutron spectrometer applies stilbene scintillator and pulse shape method to discriminate agnist undesired pulses of gamma-rays. A two channel spectroscopy method was used to eleminate th... view moreĀ»