Journal of Nuclear Energy Science & Power Generation TechnologyISSN: 2325-9809

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Margarida Malta Author

Subjects of specialization
Uranium mines

Laboratory of Radiological Protection and Safety/IST (LPSR/STI), University of Lisbon, Bobadela LRS, Portugal


Margarida Malta is working in the Laboratory of Radiological Protection and Safety/IST (LPSR/STI), University of Lisbon, Bobadela LRS, Portugal Radiological Quality of Water in Areas with Old Uranium Mines in the District of Viseu, Portugal


Research Article Subscription

Radiological Quality of Water in Areas with Old Uranium Mines in the District of Viseu, Portugal


Fernando P Carvalho, Joao M Oliveira, Margarida Malta

Radionuclides were determined in streams and rivers receiving mine drainage in areas of old uranium mines at the centre of Portugal. Results showed enhanced radioactivity levels in some areas impacted by uranium mining and milling wastes, but lower than several years ago. Current treatment of mine drainage contributed to decrease radioactivity levels in streams. In some horticulture areas, such as at Cunha Baixa, water from irrigation wells was contaminated by acid mine drainage and is not suitable for human consumption and for irrigation. Vi... view moreĀ»

DOI: 10.4172/2325-9809.1000134

Abstract HTML PDF

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