Journal of Nuclear Energy Science & Power Generation TechnologyISSN: 2325-9809

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Mohammed GA Fawaz Author

Subjects of specialization
Thermal hydraulic-Mo-99-new core design

Atomic energy authority, 13759, Abou Zabal, Cairo, Egypt


Mohammed GA Fawaz is working in the Atomic energy authority, 13759, Abou Zabal, Cairo, Egypt, Study of New Core Design for Typical Nuclear Research Reactor to Enhance the Heat Transfer Rate


Research Article Subscription

Study of New Core Design for Typical Nuclear Research Reactor to Enhance the Heat Transfer Rate


Said MA Ibrahim, Hesham F Elbakhshawangy, Mohammed GA Fawaz

Rough surfaces have been used as a tool to enhance heat transfer by increasing the level of turbulence mixing in the flow. In numerically simulating such flows. The main purpose of the present work is to increase the production of Mo-99 from a typical MTR nuclear research reactor by improving the thermal hydraulic properties in the reactor core. Ribs are known to enhance the heat transfer between the energy-carrying fluid and the heat transfer surfaces. A numerical investigation on the turbulent flow and heat transfer behavior in the rectangular channel with inclined broken ribs for six kinds of rib arrays has been conducted. In addition, the effects of rib thermalview moreĀ»

DOI: 10.4172/2325-9809.1000137

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