Nadezhda V Afanasyeva Author
Subjects of specialization
Neutron radiative capture process
V. G. Fessenkov Astrophysical Institute
Nadezhda V Afanasyeva is woking in the V. G. Fessenkov Astrophysical Institute “NCSRT” NSA RK, Observatory 23, Kamenskoe plato, Almaty, Kazakhstan, Radiative Neutron Capture on 14C and 14N
Research Article Subscription
Author(s): Nadezhda V Afanasyeva, Sergey B Dubovichenko and Albert V Dzhazairov-Kakhramanov
Radiative Neutron Capture on 14C and 14N
The possibility of description of the experimental data on total cross sections of the radiative neutron capture on 14C and 14N is considered within the frame of the potential cluster model with forbidden states and their classification according to the Young tableaux. It is shown that the used model and the potential construction methods allow us to reproduce correctly the behavior of experimental cross sections at the energies from 10 meV (10 -2 eV) to 1 MeV.
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