Journal of Nuclear Energy Science & Power Generation TechnologyISSN: 2325-9809

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Nguyen Kien Cuong Author

Subjects of specialization
Neutron flux characteristic; MCNP code; HEU fuel; LEU fuel; Dalat reactor

Nuclear Research Institute, Nguyen Tu Luc Str., Dalat City, Lam Dong, VietNam


Nguyen Kien Cuong is working in the Nuclear Research Institute, Nguyen Tu Luc Str., Dalat City, Lam Dong, VietNam, Neutron Flux Characteristics in the Irradiation Channels of Dalat Reactor after Converting from HEU to LEU Fuels


Research Article Subscription

Neutron Flux Characteristics in the Irradiation Channels of Dalat Reactor after Converting from HEU to LEU Fuels


Tran Van Hung and Nguyen Kien Cuong

This paper presents the change of neutron flux characteristics in the irradiation channels of Dalat reactor after converting from HEU to LEU fuels. The neutron flux characteristics such as neutron flux, neutron temperature, f, and α-factors in the irradiation channels were determined basing on energy neutron spectra calculated by MCNP code.

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DOI: 10.4172/2325-9809.1000161

Abstract HTML PDF

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