Journal of Nanomaterials & Molecular NanotechnologyISSN: 2324-8777

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Somporn Swasdison Author

Subjects of specialization
Extracellular Matrix Biology, Skeletal Muscle Physiology, Oral Surgery, Muscle Biology, Cell Adhesion

Department of Oral Pathology, Faculty of Dentistry, Chulalongkorn University, Pathumwan 10330, Thailand


Somporn Swasdison is in the Department of Oral Pathology, Somporn Swasdison is a senior Faculty of Dentistry at Chulalongkorn University, Pathumwan,Thailand, and has done some research work.


Research Article Subscription

In Vivo Biocompatibility Evaluation of Gelatin�Hydroxyapatite Crosslink Biomimetic Scaffolds for Bone Regeneration


Sorasun Rungsiyanont, Kanako Noritake, Warunee Pluemsakunthai, Somchai Yodsanga, Somporn Swasdison, and Shohei Kasugai

In Vivo Biocompatibility Evaluation of Gelatin–Hydroxyapatite Crosslink Biomimetic Scaffolds for Bone Regeneration

Biomimetic gelatin (gel)/hydroxyapatite (HA) scaffolds have been prepared for bone regeneration and hard tissue engineering. (A) 2.5% gel solely and (B) coprecipitation of 2.5% gel with 2.5% HA (w/w) were prepared to evaluate their biocompatibility, biodegradation and defect shape maintenance for regeneration. Sixteen week-old Vi... view more»

DOI: 10.4172/2324-8777.1000126

Abstract HTML PDF

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