Journal of Nuclear Energy Science & Power Generation TechnologyISSN: 2325-9809

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Sonia M Reda Author

Subjects of specialization
Credit criticality benchmark

Department of Physics, Faculty of science, Zagazig University, Zagazig, Egypt


Sonia M Reda is working in the Department of Physics, Faculty of science, Zagazig University, Zagazig, Egypt, Reactivity Prediction Calculations for Infinite Arrays of PWR MOX Fuel Pin Cells using MCNP5 and WIMSD-5B


Research Article Subscription

Reactivity Prediction Calculations for Infinite Arrays of PWR MOX Fuel Pin Cells using MCNP5 and WIMSD-5B


Sonia M Reda

In the present paper, the effect of some major nuclides on the reactivity of nuclear fuel for fuel pin cell in the Pressurised Water Reactor (PWR) was calculated using MCNP5_RSICC, 1.2 and WIMSD-5B codes. In order to assess our capabilities, the credit criticality Benchmark for infinite arrays of PWR MOX Fuel Pin Cells were calculated using two different codes and two different cross section libraries. Results were compared with similar published results by the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD/NEA) Expert Group on Burn-up Credit. Good agreement was found for the value of keff with the corresponding codes and the reference mean solutions. ... view moreĀ»

DOI: 10.4172/2325-9809.1000136

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