Journal of Biochemistry and Physiology

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Commentary, J Biochem Physiol Vol: 6 Issue: 2

Methane Oxidizing Bacteria and Its Capabilities

Miaolian Wang*

1Department of Environmental Engineering, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China

*Corresponding Author: Miaolian Wang,
Department of Environmental Engineering Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China

Received date: 29 May, 2023, Manuscript No. JBPY-23-110456;

Editor assigned date: 31 May, 2023, PreQC No. JBPY-23-110456 (PQ);

Reviewed date: 14 June 2023, QC No. JBPY-23-110456;

Revised date: 21 June, 2023, Manuscript No. JBPY-23-110456 (R);

Published date: 28 June, 2023 DOI: 10.4172/jbpy.1000133.

Citation: Wang M (2023) Methane Oxidizing Bacteria and Its Capabilities. J Biochem Physiol 6:2.


Methanophiles as a source of carbon and chemical energy, metabolize methane. To thrive, they need molecules with only one carbon atom. Methanophiles referred to as methane-oxidizing bacteria in functional terms. There are two types of methane-oxidizing bacteria: methane-assimilating bacteria and Autotrophic AmmoniaOxidizing Bacteria (AAOB). There are 60 different species of farmed aerobic methanotrophic bacteria across 18 genera. The most reduced form of carbon, methane, is oxidized by methanotrophic microbes using oxygen or alternate terminal electron acceptors. Abiogenic, thermogenic, and biogenic microbial sources are the main producers of this greenhouse gas. As a byproduct of biological degradation of organic matter, methane is liberated


Methanophiles as a source of carbon and chemical energy, metabolize methane. To thrive, they need molecules with only one carbon atom. Methanophiles referred to as methane-oxidizing bacteria in functional terms. There are two types of methane-oxidizing bacteria: methane-assimilating bacteria and Autotrophic Ammonia- Oxidizing Bacteria (AAOB). There are 60 different species of farmed aerobic methanotrophic bacteria across 18 genera. The most reduced form of carbon, methane, is oxidized by methanotrophic microbes using oxygen or alternate terminal electron acceptors. Abiogenic, thermogenic, and biogenic microbial sources are the main producers of this greenhouse gas. As a byproduct of biological degradation of organic matter, methane is liberated.

Agriculture and fossil fuels are two of these methane sources that have been significantly intensified by humans. Microorganisms contribute significantly to the environment as a key factor in climate change because they operate as both a source and sink of methane, a strong greenhouse gas. Plants thriving in both natural and manmade wetlands have rhizospheres and phyllospheres.

The naturally occurring global methane cycle is driven by a group of microorganisms known as methane-oxidizing bacteria .They are made up of free-living microorganisms that have a KEY function in establishing the environment's makeup through metabolism. Additionally, they keep atmospheric methane concentrations low.

Methane is converted into methanol by Methane Mono Oxygenase (MMO). As the initial step in oxidation in all known aerobic methanotrophs the methanol is further oxidized into formaldehyde in the second step, after which it transforms into biomass and goes through a last round of oxidation to generate formate, which is then converted into CO2-soluble MMO and particulate.

Applications of methanotrophs oxidizing bacteria

Methanotrophs have a growing number of engineering and application possibilities thanks to this field of study, which could result in additional advancements in both environmental and industrial contexts.

Reduction of methane emissions: Methanotrophs can be used to reduce methane emissions from a variety of sources, including landfills, wastewater treatment facilities, and natural gas extraction sites. Methane emissions can be greatly reduced by capturing and using methane as a fuel for these bacteria, aiding in the fight against climate change.

Bioremediation: Methanotrophs can be employed in bioremediation procedures to remove methane or other hydrocarbons from contaminated environments. They can aid in the breakdown and transformation of these contaminants into less dangerous substances.

Biogas output: In anaerobic digestion procedures, methaneoxidizing bacteria can be utilized to increase biogas output. By consuming extra methane created during biogas production, these bacteria can improve the quality of the gas and stop it from being released into the atmosphere.

Microbial fuel cells: It has been investigated to use methaneoxidizing bacteria in MFCs, where they can act as the biocatalyst for methane oxidation. Methanotrophs are microorganisms that can contribute to the production of energy in MFCs by oxidizing methane to produce electrons.

Wastewater treatment: Methanotrophs can be used into wastewater treatment systems to eliminate methane created during the anaerobic digestion of organic matter. By doing this, methane accumulation and odor problems in treatment facilities are avoided.

Bioplastic production: A sustainable alternative to conventional plastics derived from fossil fuels, some methanotrophs have been developed to make biodegradable bioplastics.

Carbon capture and utilization: Carbon Capture and Utilization (CCU) techniques can use microorganisms that can oxidize methane to capture it from point sources and transform it into useful products like biofuels or chemicals.

Enhanced agriculture: Rice paddies, which are a large source of methane due to anaerobic conditions in flooded fields, can be used to minimize methane emissions through the use of methanotrophs. The use of this application might promote more ecologically responsible and sustainable agricultural methods.

Biotechnology and research: Methane-oxidizing bacteria are also used in several research investigations to better understand their metabolic functions and prospective uses. Additionally, they are investigated for biotechnological uses including the creation of novel enzymes or bioconversion procedures.

Ecological restoration: Methanotrophs can support ecological restoration by encouraging methane oxidation in aquatic and wetland habitats, balancing methane fluxes, and reducing the negative environmental effects of methane emissions.

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