Journal of Nursing & Patient CareISSN: 2573-4571

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Perspective, J Nurs Patient Care Vol: 8 Issue: 2

Nursing Practices: Enhancing Patient Care and Increasing Health Outcomes

Tang Halili*

1Department of Nursing, Central South University, Chang, China

*Corresponding Author: Tang Halili,
Department of Nursing, Central South University, Chang, China

Received date: 02 June, 2023, Manuscript No. JNPC-23-107320;

Editor assigned date: 05 June, 2023, PreQC No. JNPC-23-107320 (PQ);

Reviewed date: 19 June, 2023, QC No. JNPC-23-107320;

Revised date: 26 June, 2023, Manuscript No. JNPC-23-107320 (R);

Published date: 06 July, 2023, DOI: 10.4172/2573-4571.1000035

Citation: Halili T (2023) Nursing Practices: Enhancing Patient Care and Increasing Health Outcomes. J Nurs Patient Care 8:2.


Nursing practices are fundamental to providing medical care, encompassing a wide range of activities aimed at stimulating a healthy lifestyle, preventing illness, and providing comprehensive care to individuals, families, and communities.

Role of nurses in patient care

Nurses play a fundamental role in patient care, serving as advocates, family members, educators, and coordinators. They are at the initial segments of healthcare, providing direct and continuous care to patients in a variety of settings, including hospitals, clinics, and community settings. Nurses conduct assessments, develop care plans, administer medications, monitor patients' health status, and provide emotional support to patients and their families. They serve as the connection between patients and the healthcare department, ensuring effective communication and care connectivity.

Evidence-based practice in nursing

Evidence-Based Practice (EBP) is the foundation of nursing practice, integrating the most recent investigation information with clinical expertise and preferences of patients. EBP enables nurses to provide high-quality, effective, and patient-centered care. Nurses can improve patient outcomes and quality of care by maintaining energy on results from studies and implementing evidence-based recommendations and procedures.

In EBP, nurses evaluate studies severely, assess their relevance and validity, and apply the findings to their practice. EBP not only enhances the quality of nursing care but also promotes innovation and continuous improvement in healthcare delivery. It ensures that nursing practices are based on the strongest evidence provided and are aligned with patient preferences and values.

Inter professional collaboration in nursing

Inter professional collaboration is important in nursing practices, as it involves working collaboratively with other healthcare professionals to deliver patient-centered care. Effective teamwork and collaboration among nurses, physicians, pharmacists, therapists, and other healthcare providers enhance communication, promote co-ordination of care, and improve patient outcomes. Inter professional collaboration involves mutual respect, shared decision-making, and recognition of the unique expertise and contributions of each healthcare professional. Nurses collaborate with other team members to develop comprehensive care plans, implement interventions, and evaluate patient progress. They engage in inter professional rounds, case conferences, and team meetings to discuss patient care, address complex cases, and promote collaborative decision-making.

Evolving landscape of nursing

Nursing practices continue to evolve in response to changing healthcare needs, advancements in technology, and improvements in healthcare policies. The evolving landscape of nursing includes the integration of telehealth and telemedicine, the emphasis on community-based care, and the increasing role of nurses in leadership and advanced practice roles. Telehealth and telemedicine have expanded the scope of nursing practice, enabling nurses to provide care directly, reach across minority groups, and enhance access to healthcare services. Nurses play an essential role in the use of telehealth technologies, conducting virtual assessments, providing education, and monitoring patients' health status. Community-based care is increasing popularity in nursing behaviors, focusing on preventive care, health promotion, and chronic disease management. Nurses collaborate with community organizations, schools, and public health agencies to address the healthcare needs of individuals and populations. They engage in health education, conduct examinations, and advocate for policies that promote health and well-being.

Furthermore, nurses are increasingly assuming leadership roles and advanced practice roles, such as nurse practitioners, clinical nurse specialists, and nurse educators. These roles allow nurses to contribute to policy development, engage in research, and shape the future of healthcare delivery.

Healthcare practices play an essential part for providing highquality, patient-centered care. Nurses play an important role in patient care by implementing evidence-based practices, participating in multidisciplinary groups, and transforming healthcare environment. Nurses can improve patient outcomes, enhance healthcare delivery, and enhance the health and well-being of people, their families, and their communities through establishing evidence-based practices and collaboration among professionals. Medical behaviors will continue to change and create according to the evolving requirements of patients and develop the field of nursing as healthcare improves.

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