Journal of Forensic Toxicology & PharmacologyISSN: 2325-9841

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A novel method of extracting highly bio available gallate catechins from fresh tea leaves: An anti-malarial drug

S Prem Mathi Maran

Clean Green Biosystems, India

: J Forensic Toxicol Pharmacol


A new method, which is patented, is developed to enhance the bio availability of fresh green tea leaves to extract gallate catechins, an anti-malarial drug. The method involves use of a patented hydrodynamic system which converts the fresh tea leaves into a nanoemulsion. This active catechins rich nanoemulsion is filtered and clear emulsion is collected. This clear emulsion is subjected to liquid-liquid extraction and the catechins are isolated through a solvent phase. Then the solvent phase is dried in a molecular distillation unit and subsequently in a vacuum tray drier to get a green colored powder. The HPLC analysis revealed that this extract is having all the eight catechins in higher levels and its bioavailability is increased to 10-fold as compared to the commercially available green tea extracts.


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