Journal of Athletic EnhancementISSN: 2324-9080

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Trunk and Shoulder Muscle Coordination during One, Two- Handed Medicine-Ball Side Throws and Tennis Forehand Drive

Trunk and Shoulder Muscle Coordination during One, Two- Handed Medicine-Ball Side Throws and Tennis Forehand Drive

Objectives: To compare the muscle coordination between medicine-ball side-throw with one hand (MBST1), two hands (MBST2) and forehand drive in amateur tennis players. Methods: The electromyographic activity of eight trunk and upper limb muscles was recorded in fifteen players when performing maximal forehand drives, 3 kg-MBST1 and 3 kg-MBST2. The onset and offset activation as well as activity level and duration were calculated for each muscle and each player in each condition. Results: There were differences in the activation patterns of multiple muscles during MBST1 and MBST2 compared to forehand drive and the activity duration was longer for MBST. Conclusions: These results bring new knowledge to strength and tennis coaches for scheduling resistance training based on MBST in order to enhance performance.

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