Journal of Nuclear Energy Science & Power Generation TechnologyISSN: 2325-9809

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Design and Analysis of Wave Power Electricity Generation System

Electricity is the most utilizing energy source in the world and there is a great scarcity of electricity so there is an importance to meet renewable energy targets as the generation of electricity from swell energy is undeveloped even though technology is widely available. So modification of this system concept would be helpful to development and growth of the system. The main objective of this research paper is to eliminate the difficulties being faced by the other systems and to supply continuous electricity without any fluctuations. We convert the kinetic energy of waves into mechanical energy through our mechanical arrangements in our system then it is converted into electrical energy. This system is the modification of the previous wave energy conversion system where we convert both motions of the waves i.e., both forward and upward motion wave into electrical energy. From this system we can expect continuous electricity supply.

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