Joao M Oliveira Author
Subjects of specialization
Uranium mines
Laboratory of Radiological Protection and Safety/IST (LPSR/STI), University of Lisbon, Bobadela LRS, Portugal
Joao M Oliveira is recher in the Laboratory of Radiological Protection and Safety/IST (LPSR/STI), University of Lisbon, Bobadela LRS, Portugal
Research Article Subscription
Author(s): Fernando P Carvalho, Joao M Oliveira, Margarida Malta
An environmental radioactivity survey carried out in the Sabugal region, Portugal, showed enhanced radioactivity levels in surface water streams related to water discharges from old uranium mines. Water from irrigation wells in this region displayed variable radionuclide levels due to natural occurrence of radionuclides and also to contamination by mine water drainage. Horticulture products grown near the uranium mine sites contained elevated radium (226Ra) concentrations but lower concentrations of uranium and other radionuclides. Despite relatively elevated view moreĀ»