Samir Abdalla Hamed Salama, PhD

Editorial Board Member

Associate Professor 
Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
College of Clinical Pharmacy
Taif University,
Taif, Saudi Arabia

Contact Samir Abdalla Hamed Salama, PhD

Department / University Information


Dr. Samir A. Salama received his Ph. D. in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology form The Ohio State University, USA in 2010. His postdoctoral studies include different scientific aspects related to his field of study with special emphases on cancer control, inflammatory diseases and their control and high altitude related health problems and their control. He is the head of Genetic Testing and Molecular Research Unit at College of Clinical Pharmacy, Taif University, KSA. He has excellent scientific and academic achievements with several research funds and numerous publications in internationally recognized scientific journals. He is a member of the American Association of Cancer research, European association of Cancer Research, and many international scientific organizations. His is a reviewer for many research funding agencies and reviewer & editor of several international scientific journals.

Research Interest

1- Cancer control2- Inflammatory diseases and their control 3- High altitude related health problems and their control